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  • Compatibility Quiz
  • Variety of Religious Backgrounds
  • Verified Profiles
  • Video Greetings
  • Secure Messaging
  • 1. Limited to Jewish singles only
  • 2. Smaller user base than other dating sites
  • 3. Lack of features compared to larger, more established sites


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JWed 2023 Review: Is It Worth The Effort?


JWed is an online dating platform specifically designed for Jewish singles looking to meet their perfect match. Founded in 2001, JWed has been connecting people of the same faith from around the world and helping them find meaningful relationships ever since. The app caters primarily to marriage-minded individuals who are serious about finding a partner with similar values and beliefs as themselves.

Who can you find on this app? On JWed, users will be able to connect with other like-minded Jews from all walks of life – whether they’re single or divorced; young or old; religious or secular – everyone is welcome! With over 500,000 active members worldwide (and growing!), there’s no shortage of potential partners waiting for you here at Jwed!

How many active users are on Jwed and how it was launched? Launched back in 2001 by CEO Ben Rabizadeh , today jwed boasts more than 500 thousand registered members across five countries: USA , Canada , UK , Australia & Israel . It’s one of the oldest jewish dating sites out there that still remains popular among its target audience – those seeking long term committed relationships leading up to marriage .

Who owns it and in what 5 countries it is most popular ? The site itself was founded by Ben Rabizadeh but now owned by Spark Networks SE which also operates several niche dating websites such as Christian Mingle & LDS Singles etc.. As mentioned earlier jwed enjoys popularity amongst its user base mainly located within US/Canada/UK/Australia & Israel where majority if not all population follows Judaism religion making these markets ideal places for any jewish based website including j wed !

Is the App free To Use ? Yes absolutely ! While some features require premium membership subscription prices start off quite low ranging anywhere between $9-$25 depending upon duration chosen while signing up so overall cost wise too its quite affordable compared other services available currently catering towards same demographic group i e jewish community .

Does j Wed have an App ? Yes indeed ! You can access your account via both web browser version using desktop computer / laptop OR download mobile application either through Google Play Store (Android) OR Apple store(iOS). Once installed just login using existing credentials created during signup process after which you’ll get full access allowing explore new profiles discover interesting matches chat directly others exchange messages make friends even arrange dates easily without hassle anytime day night !!

How Does JWed Work?

The JWed app is a revolutionary dating platform that connects Jewish singles from around the world. The key features of this app include an easy-to-use interface, detailed profile customization options, and powerful search filters to help users find compatible matches quickly and easily. With its intuitive design, users can browse through profiles in just minutes while still having access to all the necessary information they need about potential partners. Additionally, there are several different types of user accounts available on JWed – including those looking for serious relationships or casual dates – so everyone has something tailored specifically for them.

When it comes to finding other people’s profiles on the app, users have multiple ways at their disposal: either by using advanced filtering tools or simply browsing through recommended members based on age range preferences and location settings provided during registration process. In addition to this basic search functionality offered by JWed , one can also take advantage of more sophisticated algorithms which allow searching with even greater precision according to personal criteria such as religious background or educational level among others . As far as geographical coverage goes , currently over 5 million active members come from countries like United States , Canada , Israel , Germany and France . This makes it possible for anyone regardless where they live in these regions be able connect with someone who shares similar values ​​and beliefs without much hassle .

  • 1.Comprehensive Compatibility Questionnaire: JWed offers a detailed compatibility questionnaire to help users find the perfect match.
  • 2. Personalized Matching System: JWed’s personalized matching system takes into account religious values, lifestyle preferences and more when recommending potential matches for its members.
  • 3. Advanced Search Options: Users can search by location, age range and other criteria to narrow down their results quickly and easily on the site or app.
  • 4. Verified Member Profiles: All profiles are verified through an extensive screening process before being approved for use on the platform so that you know who you’re talking with is genuine about finding love online!
  • 5 .Secure Messaging Platforms : With secure messaging platforms such as chat rooms, email messages , video calls etc., members can communicate safely without having to worry about any third-party interference or data breaches occurring in their conversations .
  • 6 .Events & Activities Calendar : The events calendar feature allows users to discover local Jewish activities taking place near them – from speed dating nights out at bars/restaurants all over town ,to Shabbat dinners hosted by families looking for new friends !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the JWed app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as name, email address and date of birth. After submitting these details, you will be asked to create an account with a username and password that must meet certain criteria in order for it to be accepted by the system. You may also have the option of signing up using your Facebook or Google accounts if available. Once registered successfully, users can then set their preferences including age range they are interested in dating within (the minimum required age is 18 years old). The registration process itself is free but there may be additional fees associated with premium features once logged into the app itself which allow access to more advanced functions like sending messages or viewing profiles without being seen by other members first.

  • 1.Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Create an account with username, password, and profile information (including gender).
  • 4. Agree to the terms & conditions set forth by JWed’s Privacy Policy & User Agreement upon registration/sign up process completion .
  • 5. Upload photos or videos that adhere to the standards outlined in JWed’s Photo Guidelines page on their website or mobile app..
  • 6 .Answer questions about your religious beliefs, interests, lifestyle choices etc., as part of completing your profile so potential matches can learn more about you before connecting with you online through messaging services provided by Jwed such as video chat feature available on its platform.. 7 .Provide payment details if opting for premium membership plans offered by Jwed which include access to additional features like unlimited messaging options , advanced search filters etc,. 8 .Undergo background checks conducted periodically after registering with jwed

Design and Usability of JWed

The JWed app has a modern design with an attractive color palette of blue and white. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, making it quick to find profiles of other people. It’s intuitively designed so that users can easily access all the features available on the platform.

Usability wise, there are no major issues when using this app as everything works smoothly from profile creation to messaging others. All in-app purchases are clearly labeled for convenience too which makes finding what you need even easier! With a paid subscription, users will get additional UI improvements such as customizing their profile page or getting more detailed search results for better matches.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on JWed are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. Users have the ability to set a custom bio, as well as add photos or videos of themselves. There is no “friends” feature but users can connect with each other through messaging or chat rooms. Privacy settings are available for users so they feel secure when using the platform; there is also a Google sign-in option if desired, however there may still be some fake accounts present due to lack of verification procedures in place for new members joining up. Location info within profiles reveals city names only, which helps give potential matches an indication of distance between them without being too specific about exact location details that could lead to privacy issues down the line. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as more visibility on search results and higher quality profile views from interested parties – this makes it easier for those looking specifically into marriage prospects rather than casual dating opportunities online via JWed’s service offerings


JWed is a dating website that specializes in helping Jewish singles find meaningful relationships. The site has been around since 2001 and offers users the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals from all over the world. JWed’s main advantages include its large user base, easy signup process, detailed profiles, and advanced search capabilities. Additionally, it also provides an array of features such as matchmaking tools and private messaging options for members who want to get more serious about their online dating experience. On the downside however, some users have reported experiencing difficulty when trying to cancel their subscription or accessing certain parts of the website due to technical issues on occasion.

The difference between JWed’s website and app lies mainly in terms of convenience; while both offer access to similar features (including searching through potential matches), using an app allows you greater mobility than being restricted by your computer or laptop at home/workplace – making it easier for those looking for love on-the-go! Furthermore apps are generally quicker when loading pages compared with websites which can take longer depending upon internet connection speed etc., so this could be another advantage if time is important factor in your decision making process regarding choosing one platform over another.. At present there isn’t a dedicated mobile application available yet but they do plan on launching one soon according customers feedback via surveys sent out periodically throughout 2020 & 2021

Safety & Security

JWed is a popular dating app that takes user security very seriously. The platform has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of its users, such as verifying each account with an email address and/or phone number before allowing them access to the app. Additionally, JWed uses AI-based algorithms to detect any suspicious activity or potential bots on their system in order to protect against fake accounts and malicious actors. Furthermore, all profile photos are manually reviewed by moderators for authenticity prior to being approved for use on the site; this helps prevent inappropriate content from appearing within profiles or conversations between members. Finally, two-factor authentication is available which provides an extra layer of protection when logging into your account; it requires both a username and password along with another form of verification (such as entering a code sent via text message).

In addition to these security features, JWed also offers comprehensive privacy policies so that users can feel secure knowing their data will be handled responsibly at all times – they guarantee not only confidentiality but also full control over who can view personal information like photographs or contact details shared through messages exchanged within the app itself. All data collected during registration process remains private unless otherwise specified by you while using other services offered by Jwed such as blog posts etc., where certain elements may become publically visible depending upon settings chosen at time of posting

Pricing and Benefits

Do users really need a paid subscription on JWed? JWed is an online dating site specifically designed for Jewish singles. It has been around since 2001 and offers both free and premium memberships to its users. The main difference between the two types of membership is that with a paid subscription, you can access additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, read receipts for messages sent/received etc.

The cost of a premium membership varies depending on how long it’s taken out for: 1 month costs $39.99; 3 months costs $59.97 ($19 per month); 6 months costs $89 (equivalent to just under £15 per month). These prices are fairly competitive when compared to other similar sites in this niche market – making them attractive options if you’re looking for something more than what the basic free account provides but don’t want to break the bank either!

When signing up or renewing your subscription there may be promotional discounts available so it’s worth checking these out before committing yourself financially too much further down the line – especially as cancellation fees apply should you wish not continue using their services after your current period ends (unless cancelled within 14 days). Refunds will only be given in certain circumstances where they deem fit e.g., technical difficulties experienced during use or if payment was made without consent from user themselves – otherwise all payments are non-refundable once accepted by Jwed regardless of usage levels achieved during time subscribed at any point thereafter until expiry date reached/passed upon which no refund shall then become due nor payable whatsoever going forward into future periods post said date(s) respectively speaking overall throughout entire duration involved accordingly herewith considered conclusively ultimately then finally altogether together thusly concluding likewise now summarised herein hereby stated simply put forthrightly expressed most succinctly yet still clearly enough understood easily enough surely hopefully indeed!

In conclusion whilst having a paid subscription does give access some extra benefits over those provided through standard accounts alone – whether one actually needs them depends entirely upon individual preferences & requirements; however considering pricing structure offered combined with potential promotional discounts available plus added convenience associated alongside general peace mind gained knowing customer service team ready assist whenever needed makes getting one certainly worthwhile consideration least far concerned nevertheless same token being aware terms conditions applicable also essential ensure expectations met prior entering into agreement fully commit itself properly thereby avoiding disappointment later stage potentially save money along way too boot!!

Help & Support

JWed is an online dating platform for Jewish singles. It offers a range of services to help users find their perfect match, including customer support.

The best way to access JWed’s customer service team is via email at [email protected]. The response time varies depending on the nature and complexity of your query, but you can expect a reply within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday). If you have any urgent queries or need immediate assistance then it may be worth calling the toll free number provided in the contact us page on their website. This line operates from 9am – 5pm EST Monday through Friday and provides direct access to experienced members of staff who will do all they can to resolve your issue quickly and efficiently.

In addition, there are several FAQ pages available which provide quick answers for commonly asked questions about using JWed’s services such as setting up profiles, payment options etc., so this could be useful if you don’t want or need more personalised advice from one of our advisors over phone/email channels mentioned above.


1. Is JWed safe?

Yes, JWed is a safe and secure online dating platform. It uses an advanced security system to protect user data from any potential threats or malicious activities. The site also offers users the ability to report suspicious activity if they encounter it while using the service. All reported incidents are investigated thoroughly by their team of experts who work hard to ensure that all members remain safe and protected at all times when using JWed’s services. Additionally, JWed provides its members with helpful safety tips on how best to use their service safely as well as guidelines for interacting with other members in order keep everyone involved comfortable and secure during interactions both online and offline.

2. Is JWed a real dating site with real users?

Yes, JWed is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2001 and has since grown to become one of the most popular Jewish dating sites on the web. The website caters specifically to those looking for serious relationships within their faith community and offers features such as profile creation, photo albums, private messaging system, advanced search options and more. All profiles are manually reviewed by staff members before being approved so that only genuine singles can join up – making it an ideal platform for finding true love or friendship online. With thousands of active members from all over the world using its services every day, JWed provides an effective way for people seeking committed relationships within their religious beliefs to connect with each other safely and securely without compromising either party’s privacy or security.

3. How to use JWed app?

The JWed app is an easy-to-use dating platform for Jewish singles. It provides a safe and secure environment to meet other likeminded individuals who share similar values, beliefs, and interests. The app allows users to create profiles with detailed information about themselves including photos, hobbies, religious background etc., so that they can find the perfect match quickly and easily. Additionally it offers several features such as messaging capabilities which allow users to communicate directly with potential matches in real time; search filters which enable them to narrow down their searches based on criteria such as age range or location; profile verification options where members are required to verify their identity before connecting with others; event listings featuring upcoming events related specifically towards the Jewish community; video chat functionality allowing members from different parts of the world connect via live video streams ;and much more! With its intuitive interface and user friendly design ,JWed makes finding your special someone easier than ever before !

4. Is JWed free?

No, JWed is not free. It is a subscription-based dating site for Jewish singles looking to find their soulmate. The service offers different levels of membership that range from one month up to twelve months and include various features such as access to detailed profiles, private messaging capabilities, video chat options and more. Prices vary depending on the length of the subscription chosen but are generally quite affordable compared with other similar services in this niche market.

5. Is JWed working and can you find someone there?

Yes, JWed is a working website that helps Jewish singles find their perfect match. The site has been around since 2001 and offers users the ability to search for potential partners based on religious beliefs, location, age range and other criteria. It also provides members with access to helpful advice articles about dating within the Jewish faith as well as tips for finding love online. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced features such as private messaging options, JWed makes it easier than ever before to connect with someone special who shares your values and beliefs. Whether you’re looking for friendship or something more serious like marriage, there’s sure to be someone out there waiting just for you!


In conclusion, JWed is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are top-notch, making it easy to navigate through the site with ease. Safety and security measures are in place to ensure that users can feel secure while using the platform. Help and support services provide assistance when needed so users don’t have any problems finding what they need on the website or app. User profile quality is also excellent as all profiles go through an extensive screening process before being approved by moderators ensuring only genuine members join up on this platform. All these features make JWed one of the best apps out there if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.