LDS Planet
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  • Free to join
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Accessible from any device
  • Large member base
  • Variety of features
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Limited search capabilities
  • No guarantee of finding a match
  • Lack of customer service


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    Hardly ever
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Is LDS Planet the Right Dating Spot for You?


LDS Planet is an online dating platform designed to help single members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS) find compatible matches. It was founded in 2001 and has since become one of the most popular LDS singles websites with over 1 million active users worldwide. The app caters primarily to individuals looking for serious relationships, but it also provides a safe space for those seeking friendship or casual connections.

The main purpose behind LDS Planet is to provide a place where like-minded people can meet and form meaningful relationships based on shared values and beliefs within their faith community. This includes offering features such as detailed profile creation, messaging capabilities, photo galleries, private chat rooms and more – all tailored specifically towards helping its users connect with each other in meaningful ways that will lead them closer together spiritually as well as romantically if desired.

Owned by People Media Inc., which operates under Match Group LLC – parent company of Tinder & OkCupid – this website boasts millions upon millions registered members from around the world; however it’s especially popular amongst residents living in North America (particularly USA), Mexico City/Mexico State region, Australia/New Zealand area plus parts United Kingdom & Ireland too! Despite being owned by big business there are no fees associated with using any part(s)of this service though you must be 18 years old or older before signing up due access adult content present throughout site .

For those who wish take advantage what LDSPlanet offers via mobile device they have free downloadable application available both Android Apple platforms download through respective App Stores respectively just search “LDSPLANET” get started today ! After downloading registering process quite simple: user fills out basic information about themselves including name age gender etc then upload photos create bio complete few questions about likes dislikes interests religion order better match others already signed up system same goes desktop version so don’t worry missing out anything even if choose not use phone tablet computer still join network friends potential partners without issue whatsoever!.

How Does LDS Planet Work?

The LDS Planet app is a popular dating platform for members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). It provides an easy way to find compatible matches and connect with other users. The key features include creating detailed profiles, searching through thousands of active users, sending messages or flirts to potential partners, as well as engaging in chat rooms.

Finding someone on the app is simple; you can use filters such as age range and location to narrow down your search results quickly. You can also browse user photos and read their profile information before deciding if they are right for you. There are two types of accounts available: free membership which allows basic access like viewing profiles but not messaging them; or premium membership that gives full access including messaging capabilities among many other features.

Currently there are over 500 thousand active users from around the world using this service every month – primarily from United States (over 300 thousand), followed by Canada (around 50 thousand) , Mexico (20k+), Brazil(10k+)and Australia(5K+). All these numbers continue growing daily due to its popularity within LDS community worldwide .

Using this application makes it easier than ever before for singles looking for love within their faith group without having worry about compatibility issues because all members have similar beliefs system already built into account settings when signing up – so no need waste time trying figure out what person’s religious views might be! Additionally advanced safety measures ensure only genuine people join site while keeping scammers away at same time making sure everyone feels safe during online interactions between eachothers too!

Finally once match has been found both parties can start getting know one another better via private conversations where they exchange thoughts feelings experiences etc.. until decide whether take relationship further offline meeting face face meetup date eventually leading marriage perhaps? No matter goal may be though using lds planet definitely help get closer achieving desired outcome whatever situation happens turn out being end result…

  • 1.Advanced search options
  • 2. Photo albums and galleries
  • 3. Compatibility matching system
  • 4. Private messaging with other members
  • 5. Online chat rooms for LDS singles to connect in real time
  • 6. In-depth profile creation tools

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LDS Planet app is a simple process. First, you will need to provide your name, email address and create a password for your account. Then you must fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender and location before being asked to upload at least one profile photo of yourself. Once all these steps are completed, simply click “submit” and wait for an activation link in your inbox which will allow you access into the site or app once clicked upon. After submitting the details users can start browsing profiles of other singles who share their faith-based values while also having similar interests as them by using advanced search filters like religion preferences or distance from home town etc.. The minimum required age to begin dating on this platform is 18 years old however it’s free to register with no hidden costs involved making it accessible for everyone looking forward finding that special someone online!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Date of birth
  • 3. Gender
  • 4. Zip code or city and state for location information
  • 5. Username and password combination that is unique to the user
  • 6. Acceptance of terms & conditions agreement
  • 7. Option to receive emails about special offers, promotions, etc (optional) 8 . Ability to upload a profile photo (optional)

Design and Usability of LDS Planet

The LDS Planet app has a bright and cheerful design, with colors that reflect the spirit of faith. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, making it straightforward for users to find profiles of other people quickly. Usability-wise, the app is intuitively designed so even novice users can easily use all its features without any hassle. Furthermore, when you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as additional search filters which make finding potential matches easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on LDS Planet is quite good. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them and search for other users by location or interests. You can also set a custom bio to share more about yourself with others in the community. There is no “friends” feature but there are ways to connect with people who have similar interests or beliefs as you do through message boards and chat rooms.

Privacy settings available to users include the ability to hide their location info from other members if they choose, which will only reveal your city without any indication of distance between users unless you opt-in for that information when creating your profile. Additionally, there isn’t a Google or Facebook sign-in feature which reduces fake accounts created solely for spamming purposes within the platform itself – making it easier and safer for genuine connections between likeminded individuals looking at each other’s profiles online..

Finally, premium subscription offers some benefits such as being able access exclusive content not available elsewhere on LDS Planet; this includes things like additional filters while searching user profiles based off criteria such as age range etc., giving subscribers an edge over those using basic membership features instead


LDS Planet is a popular online dating website that caters to members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints. The site has been around since 2001 and provides users with an easy way to meet potential partners who share their faith and values. LDS Planet offers many features, including advanced search capabilities, detailed profile creation tools, instant messaging options, photo galleries for sharing photos with other members as well as private chat rooms where conversations can be held in complete privacy.

The main advantage of using LDS Planet over traditional dating sites is its focus on helping people find compatible matches based on shared religious beliefs and lifestyle choices. Additionally, the site also allows users to connect with friends from church or social circles by creating groups within the platform so they can stay connected even if they are not actively searching for dates at any given time. On top of this it also offers various safety measures such as verifying user profiles before allowing them access into certain areas or blocking inappropriate content from being posted publicly on the website itself which makes it one of safest places available when looking for love online today!

At present there isn’t a dedicated app version available specifically designed for mobile devices however some basic functionality does exist through accessing their full desktop version via your device’s web browser which still allows you all core features but without having natively installed software directly onto your phone/tablet etc.. Unfortunately due to financial constraints associated with developing both versions simultaneously along side regular maintenance costs required; LDS planet have yet decided against launching an official app until further notice despite growing demand among existing customers wanting more convenient ways interact while out & about away from home computers etc..

Safety & Security

LDS Planet is a dating site that takes app security very seriously. They use multiple methods to verify users and fight against bots and fake accounts. All photos are manually reviewed by their team of moderators before being approved for the platform, ensuring that only real people can join LDS Planet. Furthermore, they have implemented an extensive verification process which includes email address confirmation as well as phone number authentication when creating an account or changing personal information on it. Additionally, there is also two-factor authentication available so users can further protect their data from potential malicious actors trying to access it without authorization.

When using LDS Planet’s services you can be sure your privacy will be respected at all times thanks to its strict Privacy Policy in place since day one of operations; this policy outlines how user data is collected and used by the company while protecting any sensitive information shared with them such as credit card numbers or social security numbers from unauthorized access attempts made through third parties websites or applications linked directly with LDS planet’s own service offerings

Pricing and Benefits

LDS Planet is a dating app that caters to the Mormon community. It offers users the chance to meet other singles in their area and build relationships with those who share similar values. The app is free for basic use, but there are also paid subscription options available for more features and access.

The premium membership on LDS Planet costs $19.99 per month or $95 annually, which makes it one of the most competitively priced dating apps out there today. With this option you get unlimited messaging capabilities as well as access to advanced search filters so you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily without having to scroll through hundreds of profiles manually each time like some other sites require users do when using their free version.. Additionally, premium members have priority customer service support if they ever need help with anything related to their account or experience any technical issues while using LDS Planet’s services – something not offered by many competitors at all!

Benefits of Premium Membership:

  • Unlimited Messaging Capabilities – Advanced Search Filters – Priority Customer Service Support

If a user decides that they no longer want an active subscription on LDS planet then cancelling it couldn’t be easier; simply log into your account settings page from within the mobile application itself (or website) where cancellation instructions will be clearly displayed along with information about refunds if applicable depending upon how much time has passed since purchase date etc… Generally speaking though once cancelled customers should expect full refunds back onto whichever payment method was used originally minus any processing fees incurred during transaction process (if applicable).

Overall whether or not someone needs a paid subscription really depends upon individual preference/needs; however based off current pricing structure combined alongside additional benefits provided its definitely worth considering especially given fact that competing platforms charge considerably higher prices than what’s currently being offered here via ldsplanet platform overall!

Help & Support

LDS Planet is a popular online dating site for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It offers many features and services to help users find their perfect match, but it also provides access to support if needed.

The best way to get in touch with LDS Planet’s customer service team is through email or by submitting an inquiry on the website’s contact page. The response time can vary depending on how busy they are at any given moment, but generally speaking customers should expect a reply within 24 hours after sending their message.

For quick answers regarding commonly asked questions about using LDS Planet, there is a dedicated FAQ section available on its website that covers topics such as creating an account, searching for matches and managing your profile settings among others. Additionally, users can always reach out directly via phone call during regular business hours from Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm Mountain Time (UTC/GMT-7).


1. Is LDS Planet safe?

Yes, LDS Planet is a safe website. The site takes measures to ensure that all of its users are protected from potential threats and scams. It has an extensive security system in place which includes firewalls, encryption technology, and secure servers for storing personal information. Additionally, the website also provides safety tips for members on how to protect themselves online such as not sharing too much personal information with strangers or using strong passwords when creating accounts. Furthermore, it requires all users to agree to their terms of service before they can use the platform which outlines specific guidelines about acceptable behavior while interacting with other members on the site so that everyone feels comfortable and respected while communicating through this medium.

2. Is LDS Planet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LDS Planet is a real dating site with real users. It was created to help single members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) find compatible partners for long-term relationships and marriage. The website has been in operation since 2001 and currently boasts over 500,000 active users from around the world. The user base includes singles who are looking for friendship or romance as well as those seeking more serious commitments such as marriage or temple sealing ceremonies within their faith community. Members can create profiles that include photos, personal information about themselves including religious beliefs and values, interests/hobbies etc., which will be visible to other members on the site so they can get an idea if someone might be a good match before deciding whether to reach out via messaging or chat rooms available onsite. Additionally there are numerous features designed specifically for this niche market such us “Stake” search options where you can narrow down potential matches by geographic location; “Mutual Matching” feature which uses criteria provided by each member when creating their profile; tools like message boards & forums where conversations between two people start even without them exchanging contact info first; plus helpful articles written by relationship experts providing advice on how best approach online dating safely & successfully!

3. How to use LDS Planet app?

The LDS Planet app is a great way to meet other members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It provides an easy and convenient way for users to connect with each other, share stories, photos, and experiences. The app allows you to search for potential matches based on your interests or location as well as view profiles that match your criteria. You can also chat with people who have similar beliefs or values in order to get acquainted before meeting up in person if desired. Additionally, there are various features such as events listings which allow you find out about upcoming activities within the church community near you so that it’s easier than ever before stay connected with likeminded individuals!

4. Is LDS Planet free?

No, LDS Planet is not free. It requires a paid subscription to access the full range of features and services offered on the website. The basic membership package starts at $14.95 per month for up to 6 months or you can opt for an annual plan which costs just $99.95 per year – that’s less than $8/month! You also have the option of purchasing additional packages such as VIP status or special offers like "1 Month Free" with select plans. All memberships come with a 7-day money back guarantee so there’s no risk in trying it out!

5. Is LDS Planet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LDS Planet is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers members the opportunity to create profiles with photos, browse other member’s profiles and send messages back and forth. Members also have access to chat rooms where they can talk in real time as well as forums for discussing topics of interest or sharing experiences. With its large membership base from all over the world, LDS Planet provides an excellent platform for meeting people who share similar beliefs or interests. Whether you are looking for friendship or something more serious like marriage, this site has plenty of potential matches that could lead you down the right path!


In conclusion, LDS Planet is a great dating app for those looking to find partners who share the same faith. The design and usability of the app are intuitive and easy-to-use, making it simple to search through profiles quickly. Safety and security measures have been put in place so that users can feel secure when using this platform. Help & support staff provide quick responses should any issues arise while navigating or interacting with other members on the site. Finally, user profile quality is high as all accounts must be verified before being approved by moderators – ensuring only genuine people use this service which increases trustworthiness among its members! All things considered, LDS Planet provides an excellent experience for singles seeking their perfect match within their religious community!

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.