Biker Planet
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  • Wide variety of users
  • Easy to use interface
  • Free basic membership options
  • Detailed profile information available for all members
  • Strong security measures
  • Lack of safety features
  • Limited user base
  • High cost for premium membership
  • Unclear privacy policy


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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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Biker Planet 2023 Review


Biker Planet is an online dating platform that caters to bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts. It was launched in 2006 by the same people who created BikerKiss, another popular dating site for motorcyclists. The app has grown steadily over the years, with more than 500 thousand active users from all around the world.

The target audience of this platform are single men and women who share a passion for motorcycles or simply enjoy riding them as a hobby. People on Biker Planet come from different backgrounds but they have one thing in common – their love of bikes! They can connect with each other through various features such as private messaging, group chats, photo sharing and video calls which make it easy to get acquainted before meeting up offline if desired.

The website is owned by SuccessfulMatch Inc., based out of Canada but most popular among its users in five countries: United States (US), Australia (AU), Germany (DE), France (FR) and Italy(IT). All these countries account for about 70% percent of its total user base according to recent statistics published on their official blog page .

The registration process at BikerPlanet requires basic information like name , email address , gender etc.. After completing signup procedure you will be able access many free services offered here including browsing profiles , sending winks & flirts messages etc… You may also upgrade your membership plan anytime later if you wish so that you can use additional premium features available only after paying some fees .

As far as mobile applications go – yes there’s an app version available both Android & iOS platforms called ‘BikeRide’ which allows registered members log into their accounts via smartphones easily without having open browser window every time they want check notifications or message someone else . This makes using service much easier especially when person wants stay connected while travelling away from home computer/laptop device .

How Does Biker Planet Work?

The Biker Planet app is a social media platform designed specifically for motorcycle enthusiasts. It allows users to connect with other bikers, share stories and experiences, plan rides together, find events in their area and more. The app has an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to search for people who have similar interests or live nearby. Users can create profiles which include photos of themselves on their bikes as well as information about the type of bike they ride and any clubs they are part of. There are also options available to customize your profile page so you can show off your favorite riding gear or post updates from recent trips you’ve taken on two wheels!

Biker Planet boasts over one million registered members worldwide – making it one of the largest online communities dedicated solely to motorcyclists around the world! In addition to connecting riders across different countries such as United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand; there is a large number active users from Germany & France too! With this many potential connections out there – finding someone new shouldn’t be hard at all no matter where you’re located in the world!.

Once logged into Biker Planet , searching through member profiles becomes very straightforward thanks its intuitive user experience design . You’ll see suggested matches based upon what’s listed within each person’s profile including age range , gender preference (if applicable) plus whatever else was added by individual members like hobbies / activities etc.. Furthermore if somebody catches your eye then simply click ‘like’ button underneath photo thumbnail image which will notify them directly via email notification alerting them that another user likes what he/she sees ! If both parties reciprocate back then connection between those two individuals has been made thus allowing further conversations take place outside confines website itself ei: phone calls text messages etc..

In order stay connected with friends already made plus make new ones along way ; Biker planet offers various features ranging from messaging systems private chat rooms forums groups blog posts articles polls surveys news feeds event calendar much more…These tools allow keep track upcoming local events get latest scoop happening industry even follow certain topics interest without having leave comfort own home ! Last but not least when comes time meet face face — bikers often use ‘Ride Together’ feature help organize group outings weekend adventures .. This ensures everyone gets chance hangout same room discuss things love most : motorcycles !!

  • 1.Motorcycle Community: Biker Planet offers a vibrant and supportive motorcycle community, where members can share their experiences, stories, tips and advice.
  • 2. Events Calendar: Keep up to date with upcoming events in the biker world by checking out the event calendar on Biker Planet.
  • 3. Forum Discussions: Join conversations about all things related to motorcycles – from technical discussions to safety tips – on our forum boards!
  • 4. Photo & Video Sharing: Show off your bike or post pictures of past rides with other members through photo & video sharing capabilities available on Biker Planet!
  • 5 .Ride Planning Tools : Plan out your next ride using helpful tools like route mapping and weather forecasting provided by us at no extra cost !
  • 6 .Safety Features : Enjoy peace of mind while riding thanks to features such as emergency contact info storage , roadside assistance services , and more !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Biker Planet app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users are prompted to enter their basic information such as name, age, gender and location. They can also choose to link their Facebook account for faster registration or skip this step altogether. Once they have completed all of these steps, they will be asked to create an account by entering a username and password which must meet certain criteria in order for it to be accepted. Upon successful completion of this stage users will then need verify their email address before being able access full features of the platform including creating profiles with photos that describe themselves best so other members can get an idea about them before messaging them directly through chat or video call feature available within the application itself.. The minimum required age for dating on Biker Planet is 18 years old but anyone over 13 years old may register if accompanied by parent/guardian consent form signed offline at one of our offices located around US cities only . Registration on Biker planet App is free however there are some additional premium services that require payment via credit card upon subscription .

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a secure password for account access.
  • 3. Complete the online registration form with accurate personal information, including name, gender, date of birth and location (city/state).
  • 4. Upload an appropriate profile photo that meets all Biker Planet guidelines (no nudity or offensive content).
  • 5. Agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions outlined on the website before submitting your registration request for approval from Biker Planet administrators .
  • 6.. Confirm acceptance of Privacy Policy when registering an account on Biker Planet platform . 7.. Acceptance to receive promotional emails about upcoming events hosted by bikers around you after successful completion of sign-up process . 8.. Ability to share pictures , stories , experiences related to biking community within approved parameters set up in terms & conditions page

Design and Usability of Biker Planet

The Biker Planet app has a modern design with bold colors and clean lines. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other bikers in the community. Navigation within the app is straightforward, allowing users to quickly access their profile or search for others. The usability of this app makes it simple to interact with fellow members through messages or by joining group rides and events nearby. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as larger photos on profiles and an expanded list of matches that make finding compatible people even easier!

User Profile Quality

Biker Planet is a popular online dating site for bikers. The profiles on the website are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the option to set up a custom bio and include photos in their profile as well as information about themselves such as age, gender, interests etc. There is also an “add friends” feature which allows users to connect with other members of Biker Planet and stay connected through messages or notifications when someone adds you back.

When it comes to privacy settings available on Biker Planet there are options like hiding your location info so that only people who match certain criteria will be able to see where you live or what city you’re from if they look at your profile page directly . Additionally there’s no Google or Facebook sign-in feature which helps protect user data from being shared outside of the platform without permission . Lastly , fake accounts don’t seem common on this platform since all new registrations must go through email verification before becoming active .

Finally , premium subscription holders benefit by having access more features than regular account holders including increased visibility within search results due to higher ranking algorithms applied specifically for those paying customers . Furthermore , some additional perks may apply depending upon how long one has been subscribed – making sure these loyal customers get rewarded accordingly!


Biker Planet is a dating website that caters to the biker community. It offers users an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and passions. The site provides features such as profile creation, search functions, messaging capabilities, photo galleries and more. Additionally, it also allows members to join groups based on their location or type of bike they ride.

The main advantages of Biker Planet are its ability for users to easily find potential matches in their area; create detailed profiles which can be used by other members; communicate via private messages or group chat rooms; access exclusive events hosted by the site’s team; view photos from past events attended by other riders around the world and much more! Some disadvantages include limited options when searching for specific types of bikes (e.g., cruisers) or locations outside one’s own city/state/country boundaries due lack geographical filters available on some sites dedicated solely towards motorcycle enthusiasts .

At this time there is no app version associated with Biker Planet so all communication must take place through web browsers only – making it difficult at times for those without reliable internet connections or mobile devices capable enough running modern websites efficiently . This could explain why many people opt out using services provided directly through social media networks instead since most platforms offer apps compatible across multiple operating systems allowing them greater flexibility while staying connected with friends & family online even when away from home / work etc..

Safety & Security

Biker Planet is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure this, they have implemented several security measures such as user verification methods, fighting against bots and fake accounts with the help of AI technology. The registration process includes email address validation which helps in identifying real people from automated systems or robots trying to create multiple accounts on Biker Planet.

The photos uploaded by the users are manually reviewed before being approved by moderators who look out for any inappropriate content that may be posted online; if found, it will not be allowed on the platform at all. Additionally, there is also an option available for two-factor authentication where a code sent via SMS or email must be entered after logging into your account thus making sure only you can access your profile information securely without anyone else having access to it even if someone knows your password details.

In terms of privacy policy , Biker Planet takes great care in protecting their customers’ data collected through various means like cookies etc., They use encryption techniques while transmitting sensitive data over networks so that no one can intercept them during transmission . All personal information provided by customers are kept confidential unless otherwise stated and never shared with third parties without prior consent from customer itself .

Pricing and Benefits

Is Biker Planet Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Biker Planet is an app that allows users to connect with other motorcycle enthusiasts. The basic version of the app is free, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want additional features and benefits.

The premium membership on Biker Planet offers several advantages over the free version including unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive content. Prices vary depending on how long you sign up for; one month costs $19.99 while six months cost $89.95 ($14 per month). These prices are competitive compared to similar apps in this space so they may be worth considering if you’re looking for more features than what’s offered in the free version of Biker Planet .

If at any point during your subscription period you decide that it’s not right for you then cancelling should be straightforward – simply go into your account settings and select ‘cancel my subscription’ which will take effect immediately without any further action required from yourself or customer service staff members (depending upon payment method used). Refunds can sometimes be requested however these requests must meet certain criteria such as being within 14 days since purchase date etcetera – please refer directly to their terms & conditions page regarding refunds/cancellations before making a decision either way about signing up/staying subscribed etcetera..

So do users really need a paid subscription on bikers planet? Well ultimately this depends entirely upon individual needs; some people might find enough value from just using the basic package whereas others may prefer having all bells-and-whistles associated with premium subscriptions – only each user can make an informed decision based off personal circumstances!

Benefits Of A Premium Membership On BikersPlanet: •Unlimited Messaging •Advanced Search Filters •Access To Exclusive Content •Competitive Pricing

Help & Support

Biker Planet offers a range of support options for its users. Firstly, the website has an extensive FAQ page with answers to commonly asked questions about the platform and how it works. This is usually the quickest way to get help as you can quickly find solutions without having to contact anyone directly.

If you require more in-depth assistance then Biker Planet also provides customer service via email or phone call. The response time on these methods depends on how busy they are but generally speaking, most queries will be answered within 24 hours if not sooner depending on their workload at that particular moment in time.

Finally, there is also an online forum where members can ask each other questions and share advice amongst themselves which may provide quicker responses than contacting customer services directly due to other members being able to offer instant feedback rather than waiting for someone from Biker Planet’s team who may take longer during busier periods of activity..


1. Is Biker Planet safe?

Biker Planet is a safe and secure online dating site for bikers. The website has been designed to provide users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to find potential matches quickly and easily. All profiles are verified by the Biker Planet team, so you can be sure that any person you interact with on the site is who they say they are. Additionally, all communications between members of Biker Planet take place over a secure connection, ensuring your privacy remains intact at all times. Furthermore, there are several safety tips provided on the website which help ensure that users stay safe while using it – such as never sharing personal information or meeting up in real life without taking certain precautions first.

2. Is Biker Planet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Biker Planet is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2006 and has been helping bikers find love ever since. The website offers an easy-to-use platform for members to connect with other likeminded individuals who share the same passion for motorcycles and riding. Members can create their own profile page where they can post pictures of themselves, list their interests, and even join groups or forums that discuss various topics related to biking culture. Additionally, the site also features a “Match Me” feature which allows members to search through profiles based on certain criteria such as age range or location so they can easily find someone compatible with them quickly without having to scroll through endless pages of results manually. All in all, Biker Planet provides its users with an enjoyable experience when it comes to finding potential dates online while staying true to its core mission: connecting motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world!

3. How to use Biker Planet app?

Using the Biker Planet app is a great way to meet and connect with other bikers in your area. The app allows you to create an account, search for local riders who share similar interests, view profiles of those riders and send messages or “winks” as a form of introduction. You can also join groups that are tailored towards different types of riding styles such as touring, off-roading or cruising. Once you find someone that catches your eye, you can chat directly within the app itself using its built-in messaging system. Additionally, there are several events listed on the Events page which allow users to get together for rides around their city or state; these events may be organized by individuals or sponsored by motorcycle clubs in order to bring likeminded people together while enjoying some quality time out on two wheels! With all these features available at your fingertips through this convenient mobile application – it’s no wonder why so many bikers have chosen Biker Planet as their go-to source for finding new friends and expanding their circle!

4. Is Biker Planet free?

Biker Planet is a free online dating site that caters to bikers. It offers its users the ability to connect with other like-minded individuals in their area and around the world. The website has an easy sign up process, which requires only basic information such as name, age, gender and location before allowing access to all of its features. Once registered on Biker Planet you can browse through profiles of potential matches or use advanced search options for more specific results based on interests or lifestyle choices. You can also join forums where members discuss various topics related to biking culture and share stories about their experiences while out riding together. With so many great features available at no cost it’s easy why this popular destination for motorcycle enthusiasts continues to grow every day!

5. Is Biker Planet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Biker Planet is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website has been around since 2006 and provides an online community for bikers all over the world. It’s easy to join up as you just need to create a profile with some basic information about yourself such as your age, location, interests etc., then you’re ready to start searching for potential matches or simply connect with other members of the site. You can use their search function which allows you filter by various criteria like gender, age range and distance from where you live so that finding people who meet your specific requirements becomes much easier. Additionally there are also chat rooms available on the site where users can communicate in real time allowing them get know each other better before deciding if they would like take things further offline.


In conclusion, Biker Planet is a great app for bikers who are looking to find partners and friends. The design of the app is user-friendly with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate. It also offers safety and security features such as secure logins, two-factor authentication, and data encryption so users can feel safe while using the platform. Help & support options are available through email or live chat if needed. Finally, user profiles on Biker Planet offer quality information about each member which helps people get a better understanding of their potential matches before they start communicating with them directly in order to make sure they’re compatible enough for dating purposes. All in all, this application provides an excellent experience when it comes to finding someone special within its community!

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Author Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a relationship and online dating expert. He has written extensively on the subject for the past five years, providing advice to people of all ages. Michael has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and the unique challenges that come with online dating. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has dedicated his career to helping others find love. Michael is passionate about helping couples create and maintain healthy relationships, both online and offline.