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Blued: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot


Blued is a social networking app that connects people from the LGBTQ+ community around the world. It was launched in 2012 by Ma Baoli, who had to hide his identity as an openly gay man for many years due to China’s conservative culture and laws at the time. The platform has since become one of the most popular dating apps among members of this community worldwide, with over 40 million active users in more than 200 countries and regions.

The Blued app allows its users to connect with other like-minded individuals within their local area or across different parts of the globe through text messages, video calls, live streaming videos and audio chats. In addition to these features it also provides access to news articles related specifically towards topics relevant for those belonging in this particular demographic group such as politics or health issues amongst others; plus there are events organised on a regular basis where members can meet up face-to-face if they wish too do so safely following all necessary safety protocols set out by authorities during times when COVID19 restrictions were put into place globally .

Blued’s parent company BlueCity Holdings Limited owns various online platforms targeting queer communities which have made them very successful throughout Asia particularly India , Thailand , Vietnam & Indonesia ; being especially prominent within China itself where it currently holds 80% market share – making them undisputed leaders compared against any potential competitors operating within similar markets..

As far as usage goes then yes – you guessed right! All services provided via blued are free although some additional optional premium options may be available depending upon your geographical location but essentially no payment will ever be required just so long as basic terms & conditions laid down my BLUED’S legal team remain adhered too without exception…

For anyone wishing gain access using either iOS/Android devices then downloading process couldn’t be simpler: Simply search “BLUED” inside respective App Store (iOS) / Google Play store (Android) followed by pressing install button once application appears onto device home screen before registering account details accordingly… Simple !

How Does Blued Work?

The Blued app is a social networking platform designed to help people connect with each other. It has been downloaded over 40 million times in more than 200 countries, making it one of the most popular dating apps worldwide. With its intuitive design and powerful features, users can easily find potential matches based on their interests and preferences. The app also allows them to interact through chat rooms or private messages for an even better experience.

Finding profiles on the Blued App is easy; simply use search filters such as age range, gender identity, location or keyword searches like “LGBTQ+” if you are looking for members from that community specifically . There are two types of users: verified accounts which have undergone rigorous background checks by moderators and non-verified ones who may be newbies but still offer genuine connections nonetheless. Furthermore there are plenty of options available when it comes to connecting with others – whether you’re interested in friendships only or something more serious – so everyone should feel comfortable using this service regardless of what they’re looking for!

In terms 5 different countries where many people use the Blued App India leads at number 1 followed by China , United States , Brazil & Indonesia respectively . This shows how diverse its user base really is since anyone around the world can join up no matter where they live ! Additionally thanks to strong privacy policies all personal data remains safe while browsing these international networks too – giving peace mind those concerned about safety online activities related this type technology .

Apart from finding friends/dates/relationships via profile searching feature mentioned above ; another great way meet someone special through activity feed section found within application itself – here various posts created posted other members nearby area seen viewed interacted upon accordingly depending interest level topic being discussed time frame given (i e recent 24 hours etc ) Thus creating perfect opportunity network individuals similar tastes desires without ever having leave comfort own home computer device used access said content first place !

Finally key benefit offered bluing registering account free cost means no money required order gain full access site’s features benefits However premium version does exist allow greater levels control customization well extra perks such priority support VIP status advanced filtering tools make sure get best out every single visit made possible due combination high quality customer service secure payment methods employed keep information confidential manner always

  • 1.Real-time Location Sharing: Blued allows users to share their real-time location with friends and family, making it easier for them to meet up.
  • 2. Group Chatting: Users can create group chats in order to stay connected with multiple people at once.
  • 3. Video Calls & Voice Messages: Blued enables its users to make video calls or send voice messages directly from the app, providing a more personal way of communication than text messaging alone.
  • 4. Private Albums & Stories: With private albums and stories, users can keep certain photos or videos only visible between themselves and those they choose – perfect for sharing special moments without worrying about privacy issues!
  • 5 .Live Streaming Feature : The live streaming feature on blued lets you broadcast your life experiences instantly while connecting with other viewers around the world who have similar interests as yours!
  • 6 .Matchmaking Functionality : Through its matchmaking functionality ,Blued helps connect compatible singles looking for love by offering personalized recommendations based on user preferences such as age range ,location etc

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Blued app is a simple process. After downloading and opening the app, users are prompted to enter their phone number or email address in order to receive an activation code. Once this has been entered, they will be asked for basic personal information such as age, gender identity and location before creating a username and password. Users must also upload at least one profile photo that meets certain criteria in order to complete registration successfully. The minimum required age for dating on Blued is 18 years old; however younger people can still use the platform but with restricted features like video streaming disabled until they reach legal age limit of 18+. Registration on Blued is free of charge so anyone who meets these requirements can join without any cost involved! After submitting all details correctly users will gain access to explore its many features including live streaming videos from other members around them as well as finding potential dates through various search filters available within the app itself.

  • 1.Users must be at least 18 years of age to register for Blued.
  • 2. A valid email address is required for registration and account verification purposes.
  • 3. An active mobile phone number is needed in order to receive a confirmation code during the registration process, as well as notifications from Blued once registered.
  • 4. All users are required to provide accurate personal information when registering on the platform (name, gender, date of birth).
  • 5 .A profile photo must be uploaded by all users upon signing up with Blued; this will help other members identify you more easily while browsing profiles or engaging in conversations within the app’s chat feature(s).
  • 6 .Users should agree to abide by all terms & conditions set forth by Blued before completing their sign-up process – failure do so may result in suspension/termination of their account without warning or prior notice given! 7 .All accounts created through third party services such as Facebook Connect cannot access certain features available only via direct sign-ups (e..g private messaging) – therefore it’s recommended that new users create an independent login instead if they wish full functionality within the app itself! 8 Finally , each user should also verify his/her identity using either government issued ID documents or facial recognition technology provided directly through our website – this helps us ensure that everyone who joins has legitimate intentions and isn’t trying take advantage any way possible !

Design and Usability of Blued

The Blued app has a modern design with vibrant colors that make it visually appealing. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find what they need. Users can easily search for other profiles by age, location or interests; making it quick and convenient to connect with like-minded people.

Usability wise the app is straightforward – features are clearly labelled so you know exactly where everything is located within the interface. There’s also an intuitive chat feature which makes communication between members effortless and efficient. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as customisable backgrounds, enhanced profile settings etc., giving users more control over their experience on the platform

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Blued is generally quite good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, although users have the option to set their profiles as private if they wish. It’s possible to add a custom bio with information about yourself, interests or hobbies etc., however there isn’t currently a “friends” feature or anything similar available yet. Privacy settings are also provided for users so that they can control who sees what parts of their profile; it’s even possible to hide your location info from other members if you don’t want them knowing where you live! There is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature either which helps reduce fake accounts appearing on the platform too – this means all user profiles must be manually verified before being allowed access into the app itself. Location info in each member’s profile will only reveal your city but not any indication of distance between users; however premium subscription holders do benefit from additional features such as increased visibility when searching for potential matches within certain areas/locations – something non-premium subscribers cannot take advantage of unfortunately!


Blued is a popular dating app that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It allows users to connect with other people and build relationships through its platform. The main advantages of Blued are the ease of use, the ability to find potential matches quickly, and the privacy features it offers for users’ safety. Additionally, there are various tools available on Blued such as video chat, group chats, and live streaming which make it an attractive option for many singles looking for love or companionship online.

At this time there is no official website associated with Blued; however they do have an active presence on social media platforms like Facebook where they post updates about their service offerings regularly. This lack of a dedicated website may be due to cost considerations or because mobile apps offer more convenience than websites when it comes to connecting people instantly over long distances while still maintaining security protocols required by most countries’ laws regarding online dating services providers . In any case ,the absence of a web version does not seem likely impede growth since millions already rely solely upon using just their smartphones whenever accessing all kinds if digital content including searching for romantic partners via apps like BlueD

Safety & Security

App security is a major concern for Blued, an LGBTQ+ social networking app. To ensure the safety of its users, Blued has implemented several measures to fight against bots and fake accounts. Verification methods are in place for all new user sign-ups; these include email verification as well as mobile phone number authentication with OTPs (One Time Passwords). Additionally, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators before being approved on the platform – this helps reduce any malicious content from entering the network. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available which provides an extra layer of protection when logging into one’s account or making payments within it. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access personal information stored on their devices and online profiles respectively. In terms of privacy policy compliance at Blued, they take great care to protect user data through strict adherence to international standards such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines set forth by EU law makers in 2018 – this includes protecting data collected during registration process like name & contact details along with other sensitive information like sexual orientation & gender identity etc., ensuring complete confidentiality throughout each stage of processing involved therein .

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription on Blued

Blued is a popular dating app with millions of users worldwide. It offers both free and paid subscription options for its users, depending on their needs. The main benefit of getting a paid subscription to the app is access to additional features that are not available in the free version. These include unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, profile boosting and more.

The prices for Blued’s premium subscriptions vary by region but generally range from $9-$20 per month or $60-$100 annually (depending on which plan you choose). This makes it one of the most competitively priced apps out there when compared to other similar services such as Tinder Plus or Bumble Boost.

If you decide that you no longer want your premium membership then cancelling it is easy – simply go into your account settings and select ‘cancel’. Depending on where you live refunds may be offered if requested within 14 days after purchase so make sure to check this before committing yourself financially!

Overall, whether or not someone should get a paid subscription really depends upon what they need from an online dating service – some people might find all they need in the basic package while others may prefer having extra features at their disposal through upgrading their account status via payment plans like those provided by Blued Premium Membership Plans .

Help & Support

Blued is a social media platform that provides users with the ability to connect and interact with one another. It offers various support options for its users, allowing them to access help quickly and easily.

The first way you can get in touch with Blued’s customer service team is by visiting their website or app where they have an extensive Help Center page filled with FAQs about how to use the platform as well as contact information if you need further assistance. The response time from this method of communication typically ranges from 1-2 business days depending on your inquiry type.

Another option available for those needing immediate help is through live chat which allows customers to communicate directly via text message or video call during normal operating hours (9am – 5pm EST). This feature usually has a much faster response rate than emailing customer service since it enables real-time conversations between both parties so any questions are answered right away without having to wait around for an answer like emails often require. Additionally, there are also phone numbers listed on the website should someone prefer speaking over voice instead of typing out messages online when seeking technical advice regarding their account setup/usage etc.. Generally speaking, most inquiries will be addressed within 24 hours no matter what channel used duelling peak times such as holidays may result in longer wait times before getting responses back though overall these methods provide reliable means of accessing quick answers when needed!


1. Is Blued safe?

Yes, Blued is a safe platform for users. It has implemented several safety measures to ensure that its members are protected from any kind of harm or abuse. The app requires all users to verify their identity with a valid ID before they can start using the service and it also offers an extensive list of features designed specifically for user security such as real-time location tracking, photo verification, private chat rooms and 24/7 customer support in case something goes wrong. Additionally, Blued provides detailed information about online safety tips on its website so that everyone can stay informed about how best to protect themselves while using the app’s services.

2. Is Blued a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Blued is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2012 and has since become one of the largest gay social networking apps in the world. The app allows users to connect with other LGBT individuals for friendship, dating or even business opportunities. With over 40 million registered members from around 200 countries worldwide, it’s easy to see why Blued is so popular among its user base. In addition to providing an online platform for people looking for love and companionship, Blued also offers health services such as HIV testing reminders and counseling support through their partnership with AIDS organizations like UNAIDS China Care Foundation (CCF). This makes them stand out from other similar sites by providing additional resources that help keep their community safe while connecting them together at the same time.

3. How to use Blued app?

Using the Blued app is a simple and straightforward process. First, download the app from either Google Play or Apple’s App Store depending on your device type. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account with basic information such as name, age, gender identity etc., which will be used to match you with other users who share similar interests. After that step is complete you can start exploring what Blued has to offer! You can browse through profiles of people in your area or search for specific individuals by their username or location; if someone catches your eye then feel free to send them a message introducing yourself – just make sure not break any rules like sending unsolicited photos/videos! Additionally there are plenty of features available within this platform including live streaming capabilities where users can broadcast themselves publicly (or privately) while interacting with viewers around world; private chat rooms so friends stay connected even when they’re apart; video calls between two people plus many more fun activities that keep everyone entertained throughout day/night time hours alike!

4. Is Blued free?

Yes, Blued is a free app that can be downloaded on both Android and iOS devices. It offers users the ability to connect with other members of the LGBTQ+ community from around the world in an easy-to-use platform. The app also provides access to news articles, health resources, events listings and more for its users. With its simple interface and wide range of features available at no cost, it’s no wonder why so many people are turning to Blued as their go-to social networking site for connecting with likeminded individuals within this vibrant community.

5. Is Blued working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Blued is working and it is possible to find someone there. It’s a popular social networking app for gay, bi-curious and transgender people all over the world. The app allows users to connect with each other in real time through text messages or video calls as well as sharing photos and videos on their profiles. You can also join different groups within the platform that are based around common interests such as music, movies or travel which makes it easier to meet likeminded individuals from anywhere in the world. With its intuitive design interface you can easily browse through thousands of potential matches who share similar interests so finding someone compatible should not be too difficult!


To conclude, Blued is a great dating app that has many features and benefits. It provides users with the ability to find partners for dating in their local area or even from around the world. The design of the app is intuitive and easy to use, making it an enjoyable experience for all users. Additionally, safety and security are top priorities on this platform; they have implemented measures such as profile verification which helps protect its members from potential scammers or fraudsters. Furthermore, help and support services are available 24/7 if you need assistance at any time during your usage of Blued’s service offerings – providing peace-of-mind when using this application . Finally , user profiles tend to be quite detailed due to their extensive range of customization options allowing people who sign up get creative with how they present themselves online – giving them more chances finding someone compatible quickly! In summary , overall we can say that Blued offers a great way for individuals looking into expanding their social circles through digital means while keeping things safe & secure along the way !

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.