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  • 1. Variety of kinks and interests
  • 2. Discreet and secure platform
  • 3. Open-minded community
  • Inappropriate content
  • Unverified profiles
  • Lack of safety measures
  • Limited features


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    Hardly ever
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    Free 2023 Review: Is It Worth The Effort?

Intro is an online platform for those who are interested in exploring the world of BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance and submission). It was founded in 2004 as a website where people could find others with similar interests and explore their sexuality safely. Since then it has grown to become one of the most popular destinations for BDSM enthusiasts around the world.

The app offers users access to thousands of members from all over the globe looking to engage in various forms of bondage play such as rope tying, spanking or role-playing scenarios. The site also provides detailed information on safety tips and etiquette when engaging with other members so that everyone can have a safe experience while using’s services . Users can create profiles detailing what they’re into; this allows them to connect easily with likeminded individuals without having any awkward conversations about preferences beforehand! There are currently more than 1 million active users registered on worldwide making it one of largest sites dedicated solely towards kinksters seeking out new partners or just wanting some advice regarding different aspects related to fetishism/kink culture . As well as being available internationally ,the app is particularly popular within 5 countries including United States , Canada , Australia , France & Germany respectively !

Accessing Bondage's service couldn't be easier either - simply download its mobile application which you'll find both at Apple Store & Google Play store depending upon your device type ; alternatively if you prefer desktop usage there's always www version too! Best part ? Its free ! Although registration process may take few minutes but once done - you will be able unlock full potential offered by this amazing community hub !!

How Does Work?

The app is a revolutionary way to connect with other people who share your interests in BDSM and kink lifestyles. With over 2 million users from all around the world, you can find profiles of like-minded individuals looking for friendship, play partners or even relationships! The user interface makes it easy to search by location so that you can meet someone near you or explore new possibilities abroad. You’ll also be able to filter searches based on gender identity and sexual orientation as well as specific fetishes and interests – making sure that no matter what type of person you are looking for, there will be something out there just right for them!

You’ll have access to chat rooms where members discuss their favorite topics related to bondage such as rope work techniques, safety protocols during scenes and much more – providing an excellent opportunity not only learn but also make connections with others who share similar experiences. Additionally the app offers various features designed specifically towards connecting those interested in exploring further than just conversation; these include video calls (with optional audio) which allow two parties get acquainted before meeting up offline if they wish too do so safely after taking proper precautions firstly .

The platform has seen huge success since its launch due largely thanks its global reach – currently boasting users from countries including United States , Canada , Australia , Germany & France amongst many others . It’s incredibly diverse community allows anyone regardless of race / ethnicity / nationality etc…to join & become part off this ever growing family ; plus being free means anybody curious about trying it out doesn’t need worry about spending money unnecessarily either !

Finally another great feature offered by Bondage . com is ‘verified accounts’ system whereby each member must go through process proving their identity via photo ID verification before gaining full access site – this helps ensure everyone using service legitimate genuine person rather than potential scammers/trolls etc.. This additional layer security provides peace mind when interacting fellow members knowing exactly whom talking without fear malicious intentions ruining experience altogether !

  • 1.BDSM Forum: Connect with other members and discuss topics related to bondage, domination/submission, kink and more.
  • 2. Private Messaging System: Exchange private messages between members in a secure environment.
  • 3. Video Tutorials & Guides: Learn the basics of bondage play through instructional videos created by experienced professionals in the field of BDSM education
  • 4. Event Calendar: Keep up-to-date on upcoming events hosted by Bondage clubs or organizations around the world
  • 5 .Shop Directory : Find local stores that carry products for your next scene or purchase items online from trusted vendors
  • 6 .Online Courses : Take classes taught by professional educators covering topics such as rope tying techniques , safety protocols , communication skills and much more

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the app, users must first provide basic information such as their name, email address and date of birth. Once this is completed they will be asked to create a username and password which should be kept secure for future logins. The next step involves providing additional personal details such as gender identity, sexual orientation and interests so that the app can match them with compatible partners who share similar preferences or desires. Finally, users are required to upload an image of themselves before submitting all the necessary information in order to complete registration process successfully; it is free to do so but only those aged 18 years old or over may join up due use restrictions regarding explicit content found within its platform. After registering on Bondage .com , members can begin browsing profiles immediately while also having access other features like private messaging tools allowing them connect with potential dates more easily from anywhere around world at any time day or night!

  • 1.All users must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. A valid email address is required for registration and account activation purposes.
  • 3. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their passwords and should not share them with anyone else, including other members on
  • 4. Each user may only have one account; multiple accounts will result in immediate suspension from the site without warning or refund
  • 5 .All profiles must include a real photo that accurately reflects what you look like (no cartoon avatars).
  • 6 .Users agree to refrain from posting any offensive material such as profanity, nudity, violence etc., which violates community standards set by 7 .Users are expected to treat each other with respect at all times while using our services 8 .Any violations of these terms & conditions can lead to termination/suspension of your membership

Design and Usability of

The app has a sleek design with an easy to navigate interface. The colors are mostly black and red, which give the app a dark but inviting feel that is perfect for its purpose. It’s very simple to find profiles of other people; all you have to do is use the search bar or browse through different categories like "Bondage" or "Dominance". Usability wise, it’s quite intuitive and straightforward – everything from creating your profile page, messaging others on the platform, finding local events etc., can be done in just a few clicks. If you purchase their paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as being able to view more detailed information about users before sending them messages and having access to exclusive content not available without paying first

User Profile Quality

Profiles on are public, meaning anyone can view them without having to sign up for an account. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and also include photos in their profile page. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar; however, users do have access to private messaging if they want more privacy when communicating with other members of the site. Privacy settings available vary depending on what type of subscription you choose – premium subscriptions offer additional features such as hiding your location info from others while still allowing you to see theirs so that you know how far away someone is located before deciding whether or not it’s worth meeting up with them in person..

When creating a profile, users must provide some basic information including their age and gender but there is no indication of exact location unless specified by user themselves which allows for greater anonymity should they wish it – this means that fake accounts are less likely since real people will be using genuine details about themselves rather than made-up ones like those often found on social media sites where signing up via Google/Facebook makes it easy for scammers create false profiles quickly . Premium subscribers may benefit from increased visibility due too certain features being unlocked such as seeing who has viewed their profile recently or sending messages directly instead waiting until someone replies first before engaging further conversationally .

Website is a popular website that offers users the opportunity to explore their BDSM interests and meet like-minded people in a safe environment. The site also has an online dating feature, which allows members to connect with potential partners who share similar kinks and fetishes.’s dating platform makes it easy for users to find compatible matches by providing detailed profiles, search filters, private messaging options, as well as live video chat rooms where they can get to know each other better before taking things offline if desired. One of the main advantages of using this service is its comprehensive security measures such as verified accounts and background checks on all new members so you can be sure your safety comes first when connecting with someone through Bondage Dating Services

The mobile app version of Bondage Dating Services provides many of the same features found on the desktop version but in a more convenient format for those who prefer accessing content from their phones or tablets instead – including real time notifications whenever someone sends you messages or likes your profile picture! Unlike most traditional apps however there are no subscription fees associated with using this one; meaning anyone interested in exploring bondage relationships without breaking bank will appreciate having access at no cost whatsoever! On top of that it also includes extra privacy settings allowing individuals greater control over how much information they choose display publicly about themselves while browsing around looking for potential dates/partners

Safety & Security is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users, which is why they have implemented several security measures in order to protect their members from bots and fake accounts. All new user profiles are subject to verification before being allowed access into the platform, with both manual review of photos as well as AI-based algorithms used for further authentication processes. Bondage also offers two-factor authentication options that can be enabled by each individual member upon registration or at any time afterwards through their account settings page. This ensures that only verified users can gain access into the website while preventing malicious activities such as identity theft or frauds related activities on the site itself.

When it comes to privacy policy, Bondage takes data protection seriously and strives hard towards protecting all personal information shared by its members within a secured system architecture where encryption technology is employed throughout every layer of communication between client devices and servers hosting sensitive data about registered individuals using this platform . Moreover , explicit consent has been taken from all existing customers regarding how their private details will be handled , stored & processed in accordance with GDPR regulations .

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription offers a paid subscription for users who want to access additional features and content not available on the free version of the app. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include:

  • Access to exclusive videos, photos, stories, and audio recordings from Bondage experts
  • Special discounts on bondage gear purchases through Bondage’s online store
  • Ability to join in private chat rooms with other members or ask questions directly from professionals

The prices for these subscriptions are quite competitive compared to similar services offered by competitors. Prices range from $19 per month up to $99 per year depending on which package you choose.

Cancelling your membership is easy as well; simply log into your account settings page and click “cancel my membership” button at any time during your billing cycle if you no longer wish continue using it . Refunds will be issued within 7 days after cancellation request has been processed according their refund policy outlined in their terms & conditions section found here [link].

Overall users do not necessarily need a paid subscription when accessing Bondage but those that desire more specialized content may find value in doing so given its relatively low cost compared other sites offering similar services

Help & Support is a website dedicated to helping people learn more about bondage and BDSM activities. It offers an array of resources, from educational articles to discussion forums where members can ask questions and get advice from experienced practitioners in the community.

The best way to access support on is through its online contact form or by emailing their customer service team directly at [email protected]. They usually respond within 24 hours with helpful answers for any queries you may have regarding membership, billing issues or general inquiries related to the site’s content and services. Additionally, there are also some FAQ pages available which provide quick answers for commonly asked questions that don’t require further assistance from customer service representatives such as how do I reset my password?

For those who prefer speaking over phone instead of writing emails, they can call their toll-free number +1 (800) 888-9999 during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST). The response time varies depending on the complexity of your inquiry but it’s generally very fast since all calls are answered by real humans rather than automated systems like many other websites offer nowadays!


1. Is safe? is a website that provides information and resources related to BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance/submission, and sadomasochism). While it can be a great source of education for those interested in exploring the world of BDSM safely and responsibly, users should exercise caution when using or any other online resource related to this lifestyle. It’s important to remember that while there are many people who use these sites with good intentions – such as finding like-minded partners or learning more about their interests – there may also be individuals on the site whose motives are not so pure. As always when meeting someone new online or offline for potential play activities involving bondage and domination/submission roles: take precautions; know your limits; communicate clearly before engaging in activities; have safety protocols in place beforehand if possible; trust your instincts regarding anyone you meet through (or elsewhere); never engage in anything without consent from all parties involved – even if they seem willing at first glance!

2. Is a real dating site with real users? is a real dating site with real users, but it should be noted that the website caters to those who are interested in BDSM and other forms of kink-related activities. The website has been around since 1997 and offers members an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests through chat rooms, forums, private messaging systems and more. While there are some people on looking for casual relationships or even long-term partners, many of its users simply use the platform as a way to explore their own sexual desires without judgement from society at large or risk of physical harm in traditional BDSM settings such as dungeons or clubs. As such, it’s important for potential visitors to understand what they’re getting into before joining this particular online community so that everyone can have safe fun experiences while exploring their boundaries together!

3. How to use app?

The app is a great way to explore the world of BDSM and kink in an easy, safe, and secure manner. The app allows users to create profiles that include information about their interests, fetishes, fantasies and more. This helps other members find people who share similar desires or are looking for someone with specific skillsets related to bondage activities such as rope tying or flogging. Once you’ve created your profile on the app you can start searching through thousands of others from all over the world based on what type of play they enjoy most or if they have any specialties like Shibari (Japanese rope bondage). You can also use filters such as location so that only those close by show up in your search results which makes it easier than ever before to meet new partners! Additionally there are forums available where experienced players give advice while newcomers learn how best practice safety when engaging in these types of activities – something we highly recommend doing no matter how long one has been playing around with this kind of stuff!

4. Is free?

No, is not free. The website requires a subscription to access its content and features. Subscriptions start at $9 per month for basic membership or up to $50 per month for premium membership with additional benefits such as video chat and live cams. In addition, some of the more advanced features may require an extra fee depending on what type of service you are looking for from the site.

5. Is working and can you find someone there?

Yes, is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a variety of ways for people to connect with one another in order to explore their interests in bondage, BDSM, and other related activities. People can create profiles on the site that include information about themselves as well as photos or videos they wish to share with others who are interested in similar activities. Additionally, users can join discussion forums where they can interact with like-minded individuals from around the world and even organize events such as meetups or parties if desired. With so many options available on it should be easy for anyone looking for someone else interested in exploring these topics together to find what they’re looking for!


In conclusion, is a great app for those looking to explore their kinky side and find partners who share similar interests. The design of the app is modern and intuitive, making it easy to navigate around the site without any problems. Additionally, safety and security are top priorities on this platform as they have strict policies in place that protect users from malicious activity or inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, help & support options are available should you need assistance with anything related to your account or profile settings while user profiles provide plenty of information about potential matches so you can make an informed decision before connecting with someone new. All things considered, Bondage .com offers a safe space for people interested in BDSM dating which makes it one of our favorite apps out there today!

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Author Jacob Williams

Jacob Williams is an experienced writer and relationship expert. He is passionate about helping others find love and happiness through his writing. His articles focus on topics such as love, sex, and dating. Jacob has been featured in multiple publications and has been cited by many leading experts in the field. He believes that everyone deserves to find true love and is dedicated to helping others achieve it. Jacob hopes to continue to share his insights and advice through his writing in order to help others find and maintain meaningful relationships.