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Online Dating with BookOfSex: The Pros and Cons


BookOfSex is an online dating and social networking platform that caters to adults looking for sexual encounters. It was launched in 2007 as a website, but has since expanded its reach with mobile apps available on both Android and iOS devices. The app boasts millions of active users from around the world who are seeking out casual relationships or even just one-night stands.

Who can you find on this app? BookOfSex offers members a wide range of potential partners based on their interests, location, age group, etc., so anyone over 18 years old can join the site regardless of gender identity or orientation – straight people as well as gay couples are welcome here! This makes it easier for those interested in finding someone special to connect with likeminded individuals without having to worry about judgemental attitudes they may encounter elsewhere. How many active users are there? According to recent statistics published by Bookofsex’s parent company Various Inc., more than 20 million people have signed up for the service since its launch 13 years ago – making it one of the most popular adult dating sites today! Furthermore, these numbers continue growing each day due largely in part thanks to its user friendly interface which allows new members easy access into all areas within minutes after signing up (more details below).

Who owns it and where is it most popular? The website/app was created by Various Incorporated back in 2007; however ownership changed hands when FriendFinder Networks purchased them several years later before eventually being acquired again recently by Penthouse Global Media Inc.. Currently some 5 countries make up majority share holders including USA (50%), Canada (15%), UK & Ireland(10%) Germany & Austria combined at 10%, while Australia rounds off remaining 15%. Is the app free to use ? Yes ! As mentioned earlier registering takes only few moments yet once inside full features become accessible such chatting , video streaming plus other fun activities . Does Book Of Sex have an App ? Yes indeed ! Both Apple Store IOS / Google Play store offer respective versions allowing direct download via links provided directly onto homepage . Once installed simply logon using same credentials used during signup process then enjoy similar services found through desktop version although designed specifically tailored towards mobiles device screens size .

How Does BookOfSex Work?

The BookOfSex app is a revolutionary way to find partners for sex and relationships. It offers users the ability to create detailed profiles, search through thousands of potential matches, chat with other members in real-time and even arrange physical meetups. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive design, it’s no wonder why this app has become so popular around the world.

Finding someone on BookOfSex is simple; all you need to do is enter your criteria such as age range or location into the search bar at the top of each page – from there you can browse through hundreds of different user profiles until you find one that suits your needs best! The types of users vary greatly depending on what country they are located in but generally speaking there are people looking for casual encounters or long term relationships alike. Additionally, over five million active monthly users come from countries like USA (2M), India (1M), UK(0.5M) , Germany(0.3 M) & France ( 0 . 2 M ) respectively making it one of most diverse dating apps available today!

In addition to searching by criteria such as age range or location mentioned above , Bookofsex also allows members access more advanced filters including body type preferences , sexual orientation etc which helps them narrow down their options further when finding a match . Members have complete control over who sees their profile information allowing them privacy while browsing if desired . This makes sure only those interested will contact each other instead unwanted attention coming from random strangers online !

Once two compatible individuals decide they want take things further than just messaging back forth via text messages then both parties must agree before being able initiate video call feature within App itself using built–in secure encryption technology ensuring private conversations remain confidential between participants involved during entire duration session without fear any third party eavesdropping listening along conversation taking place !

Finally after successful completion video call where both sides feel comfortable enough move forward meeting up face – face either person’s home address public venue chosen mutually agreement between two consenting adults concerned about safety security concerns may arise due various reasons not limited unfamiliarity with partner lack knowledge surrounding individual ‘ s background history prior activities conducted outside platform itself therefore providing necessary peace mind knowing exactly whom dealing beforehand avoiding unnecessary risks associated these kind situations altogether!.

  • 1.Live Video Chat: Connect with other members in real-time and engage in steamy conversations.
  • 2. Adult Personals & Matchmaking: Browse through thousands of profiles to find your perfect match or one night stand.
  • 3. Discreet Photo Sharing: Share intimate photos securely with the people you trust without worrying about them being leaked online.
  • 4. Virtual Sex Toys Store: Shop for sex toys, lingerie, costumes and more from our virtual store!
  • 5 .Blog Posts & Articles on Sexuality : Read up on topics related to sexuality such as relationships, kinks , BDSM etc., written by experts in the field .
  • 6 .Sex Education Resources : Get access to resources like videos , podcasts and articles that can help educate yourself about different aspects of sex life

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BookOfSex app is a simple and straightforward process. To begin, users must provide their email address or sign up with Facebook to create an account. Once registered, they will be asked to fill out some basic information such as age (the minimum required age for dating on the app is 18 years old), gender identity, sexual orientation and location. After submitting these details, users can then upload photos of themselves which are subject to approval by moderators before being made visible in searches within the platform. Finally, once all this has been completed successfully they will have access to start browsing profiles of other members who match their criteria for potential dates or encounters! The registration process itself is free but there may be additional costs associated with certain features available within the platform depending upon what subscription package you choose if any at all – so it’s worth checking that out first before signing up!

  • 1.Users must be 18 years of age or older to register for BookOfSex.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address in order to complete the registration process.
  • 3. A unique username and password combination is required for each user account created on BookOfSex
  • 4. All users are expected to adhere to all applicable laws while using the service, including local, state/provincial and federal regulations regarding online conduct and acceptable content
  • 5. Any inappropriate behavior will result in immediate suspension or termination of an account without warning
  • 6 .All personal information collected during registration (including name, date of birth etc.) should remain confidential at all times
  • 7 .Users may not use false identities when registering with BookOfSex 8 .Bookofsex reserves the right to refuse any application for membership if it does not meet our standards

Design and Usability of BookOfSex

The BookOfSex app has a modern and attractive design. The colors are mostly black, grey, and red which give the interface an exciting look. It is easy to find profiles of other people by using filters such as age range or location. Usability wise it is very intuitive with all features being easily accessible from the main page. There aren’t any major UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are some additional features that make navigation easier for premium users like chatbot support or advanced search options.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on BookOfSex is generally quite good. All profiles are public, and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website or app. Users have the ability to set a custom bio with information about themselves, as well as add photos of their choosing. There isn’t currently a “friends” feature available but users do have access to chatrooms for communication purposes.

Privacy settings are also an important factor when it comes to user profiles on BookOfSex; there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature which helps protect user privacy even further from third parties outside of the platform itself. Fake accounts aren’t tolerated either so you can trust that all other users in your vicinity will be genuine people looking for casual encounters too! Location info within each profile does reveal city names however this data cannot be hidden and serves more as an indication of distance between yourself and another potential match rather than exact location details being revealed such as street addresses etc..

Finally, premium subscription members receive additional benefits such as enhanced visibility throughout search results compared with non-premium members meaning they’re likely going to get noticed first over those without one – plus unlimited messaging capabilities across any device used while logged into their account!


At the time, BookOfSex does not have a dating website. This is likely due to its focus on providing an online platform for users to explore their sexuality and connect with like-minded individuals. The site offers resources such as articles, videos, forums and chat rooms where people can discuss topics related to sex in a safe environment without judgement or fear of repercussions. Additionally, it provides access to erotic stories that allow members to safely express themselves sexually through literature without having any physical contact with other people involved.

BookOfSex also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices which allows users who are looking for casual encounters or just want someone new in their life more easily find potential partners near them using GPS technology within the app itself rather than relying on third party websites or apps like Tinder or Bumble which require additional setup steps before use can be made of them . While this may seem convenient at first glance , there are some drawbacks associated with it such as lack of privacy when searching profiles since everyone else will see what you’re up too while they search around you making it difficult if one wants discretion when trying out different things sexually .

Safety & Security

BookOfSex is a dating platform that takes security and privacy seriously. It has put in place various measures to ensure the safety of its users. To begin with, BookOfSex requires all users to verify their accounts through email or mobile phone number before they can start using the app. This verification process helps prevent bots and fake accounts from accessing user data as well as protects against potential scammers on the site. Furthermore, photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators for any suspicious content before being approved so that only genuine images appear on profiles – this is done without AI assistance in order to guarantee accuracy when it comes to protecting user information and integrity of other members’ pictures/profiles too! Finally, two-factor authentication (2FA) option is available which adds an extra layer of protection for account access; requiring both a password plus another form such as biometric scan or code sent via SMS upon login attempt – thus providing more secure environment overall while browsing within BookOfSex’s network safely & securely! In terms of privacy policy, Bookofsex respects your right over personal data you provide us with during registration – including name, address etc., we will never share this info publicly unless explicitly stated otherwise nor do we use it for marketing purposes either; instead our team uses latest encryption technology like SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol along with HTTPS protocols when transferring sensitive information between servers & devices connected online at all times – making sure no third party can intercept these details ever!

Pricing and Benefits

Is BookOfSex Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

BookOfSex is an app that allows users to find dates, make friends and even engage in casual encounters. It has become increasingly popular over the past few years due to its ease of use and wide range of features. The question many people have is whether they need a paid subscription on BookOfSex or if it’s free. The answer depends on what you want out of the app; while there are some basic features available for free, most advanced options require a paid subscription plan. These plans start at $9 per month but can go up depending on how long you sign up for (e.g., 3 months = $19). Some benefits associated with getting a premium membership include unlimited messaging capabilities, access to exclusive content such as videos and photos from other members, ability to view profiles anonymously without being detected by others etc..

Overall these prices are competitive compared with similar apps offering similar services so users should not be put off by them when considering signing up for one of their plans . Furthermore , cancellation process is easy ; all customers need do is contact customer service team via email before their next billing cycle begins in order receive full refund .

In conclusion , while using Bookofsex without paying any money still provides decent user experience – those who wish unlock more possibilities will definitely benefit from subscribing one particular plan offered by this application .

Help & Support

BookOfSex is an online dating platform that offers users the opportunity to meet potential partners. The website provides a safe and secure environment for its members, with various features designed to ensure their privacy and security. In order to make sure all of its customers have access to the support they need, BookOfSex has several options available for accessing help when needed.

The first option is via email; customers can contact customer service directly by sending an email or using one of the forms on the website’s ‘Contact Us’ page. There are also dedicated phone lines where people can speak directly with someone from customer service in case they need immediate assistance or advice about any issue related to their account or use of BookOfSex services. Response times vary depending on how busy it is but generally speaking inquiries should be answered within 24 hours at most during business days (Monday-Friday).

Finally, there’s a Help Center section on Bookofsex which contains answers for commonly asked questions as well as useful information regarding different aspects such as registration process, subscription plans etc.. This way you don’t even have wait for someone else’s response since you’ll likely find what you’re looking right away! All in all these resources provide users with quick access so that everyone gets proper support whenever necessary while enjoying their experience at this great dating site!


1. Is BookOfSex safe?

BookOfSex is generally considered to be a safe website for adults. The site has implemented several security measures to ensure the safety of its users, including verifying all profiles and using encryption technology when transmitting personal information. Additionally, BookOfSex offers an anonymous messaging system that allows members to communicate without revealing their true identity or contact details. Furthermore, they have strict policies in place regarding inappropriate content and behavior on the platform which are actively enforced by moderators who review user activity regularly. All these factors make it one of the safest adult dating sites available online today.

2. Is BookOfSex a real dating site with real users?

BookOfSex is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and boasts millions of members from all over the world. The website offers its users various features such as live video chat, messaging, photo sharing, and more to help them find potential matches for casual encounters or long-term relationships. BookOfSex also provides detailed profiles that allow you to get an idea of what kind of person someone is before deciding whether or not they are right for you. Additionally, it takes safety seriously by providing tips on how to stay safe while using their services and encourages members to report any suspicious activity they may encounter while interacting with other people online.

3. How to use BookOfSex app?

Using the BookOfSex app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account with your email address or Facebook login information. After creating an account, you can begin searching for potential matches in your area by using various filters such as age range, gender preference, location etc., You can also view profiles of other users on the platform which includes photos as well as a brief description about them so that you know more about who they are before deciding if they might be someone worth connecting with further. When two people mutually like each other then it’s time to start chatting! Through this messaging feature users can get to know one another better while exchanging messages through text chat or video calls (depending on what both parties prefer). The BookOfSex mobile application offers its members many features including photo verification options which helps ensure safety when meeting up offline; a ‘Hot List’ where members have access to all their favorite contacts; private albums for sharing personal pictures securely between only those whom user has given permission too; group chats allowing multiple conversations at once among friends/family/partners – these are just some of many useful tools available within this popular dating platform!

4. Is BookOfSex free?

BookOfSex is not free. However, they do offer a variety of subscription packages that allow users to access the site’s features and services at an affordable price. Subscriptions start as low as $9.95 per month for basic membership or up to $39.95 per month for premium memberships with additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views, advanced search options, VIP customer support service and more. BookOfSex also offers discounted prices on longer-term subscriptions so you can save even more money if you choose to commit long term!

5. Is BookOfSex working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BookOfSex is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large user base of people looking for casual encounters or even more serious relationships. It also offers many features such as video chat, instant messaging, forums and private photo galleries which make it easier to connect with potential partners. With its advanced search feature you can narrow down your results by age range, location and interests so that you are only presented with profiles that match what you’re looking for in a partner. Additionally the site provides safety tips on how to stay safe when meeting up with someone from the internet as well as advice on how best to approach online dating overall.


In conclusion, BookOfSex is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are very intuitive and easy to use, making it an ideal choice even for beginners in the online dating world. The safety and security features of this app are also excellent; users can rest assured that their data will remain secure at all times while using the service. Help & support is always available if needed via email or live chat with knowledgeable staff members who can help you out quickly when required. Lastly, user profile quality on BookOfSex is generally good as well; most profiles contain enough information about potential matches so that users have plenty of details to make informed decisions before engaging with someone new from the platform

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Author Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a relationship and online dating expert. He has written extensively on the subject for the past five years, providing advice to people of all ages. Michael has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and the unique challenges that come with online dating. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has dedicated his career to helping others find love. Michael is passionate about helping couples create and maintain healthy relationships, both online and offline.