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  • Open-minded community
  • Respectful users
  • Variety of interests represented
  • Inclusive for all body types and sizes
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  • High subscription costs
  • Lack of active members


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Is Feabie.com the Right Dating Spot for You?


Feabie.com is an online social networking platform designed for the plus-size community and their admirers. The app was created in 2015 by a team of developers who wanted to create a safe space where people could express themselves without fear of judgement or discrimination. Since its launch, Feabie has become one of the most popular apps among those looking for companionship, friendship, and support within this unique niche market segment.

The primary target audience on Feabie are individuals with an appreciation for larger body types as well as members from all walks of life interested in connecting with others like them – regardless if they identify as BBW (Big Beautiful Women), BHM (Big Handsome Men) or FA’s (Fat Admirers). With over 1 million active users worldwide, it’s no surprise that Feabie continues to be so successful today!

Currently owned by Maxis LLC., based out Los Angeles California; since launching 5 years ago there have been many updates including additional features such as private messaging options and photo albums – making it easier than ever before to connect with other users around the world! In addition to being available globally across more than 100 countries; some top locations include United States , Canada , Australia , Germany & France . It is free use but also offers premium subscription plans which offer exclusive access perks such us advanced search filters & unlimited message storage capacity !

For those wanting access via mobile device you can download both Android & iOS versions directly through Google Play Store/ Apple App Store respectively ; alternatively you can simply visit www feebies com website using any web browser . To register just provide your email address name username password etc then click “Sign Up Now” button complete process get started enjoying benefits offered here at Feebies Networking Platform !

How Does Feabie.com Work?

Feabie.com is an app that connects people who are interested in gaining or losing weight and improving their overall health. It provides users with a platform to share stories, advice, recipes, and tips on how to achieve their goals. The key features of the Feabie app include profile creation where you can upload photos and information about yourself; messaging capabilities so you can connect with other members; forums for discussing topics related to fitness and nutrition; groups for sharing ideas among like-minded individuals; blogs from experienced professionals in the field of health & wellness as well as community events such as meetups which allow users to interact face-to-face if they choose too.

The Feabie App allows its user base access profiles from all over the world – including countries such as United States, Canada, Australia , India , Brazil etc . There are various types of user profiles available on this platform – ranging from those looking simply look at others’ progress while trying out new diet plans or exercises routines ; those seeking motivation through encouragement by peers ;those hoping find friends within similar interests regarding healthy lifestyle changes etc . With more than 2 million registered users worldwide it has become one of most popular social networks dedicated solely towards helping people reach their personal physical goals regardless location or age group .

You can easily search for specific kinds of content using keywords provided by different categories offered under ‘Explore’ tab ( e..g exercise videos/blogs /recipes ) You may also browse through member profiles based upon criteria like country wise distribution gender preferences etc., This way it becomes easier finding someone whom have same aspirations when comes achieving desired results be it bodybuilding /weight loss journey whatever goal might be set forth

The message feature enables communication between two parties without revealing any personal details unless both decide otherwise thus providing secure environment exchange thoughts feelings experiences even form virtual friendships along way Furthermore there exists helpful support team behind scenes ready assist case anything goes wrong during usage site itself offers vast array options customize own page enabling each individual express themselves freely manner they see fit

In addition having blog posts written experts within respective fields helps educate readers certain aspects maintaining good habits ensuring long term success Lastly joining particular forum topic allows reading opinions views other members thereby aiding decision making process whether considering purchase product following certain type workout regime anything else relating betterment self

  • 1.Comprehensive profile system: Feabie.com offers users a comprehensive and detailed profile page that allows them to express their interests, hobbies, likes/dislikes and more.
  • 2. Photo galleries: Users can upload multiple photos of themselves for others to view in the photo gallery section of the website.
  • 3. Private messaging system: Members are able to send private messages with other members on Feabie without having to reveal any personal information or contact details such as email addresses or phone numbers etc..
  • 4. Activity feed & notifications center : Keep up-to-date with what’s happening around you by checking out your activity feed which displays all new posts from people who follow you along with updates about activities taking place within your network at Feabie .
  • 5 Group chatrooms & forums : Participate in conversations across different topics related directly or indirectly towards fat acceptance , body positivity among many other subjects through group chats and forum discussions available on feabie .
  • 6 Events calendar : Check out upcoming events being hosted near you by using our interactive event calendar where we list meetups , conferences, workshops etc…

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Feabie.com app is a straightforward process that requires you to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your gender, age (you must be at least 18 years old), location and email address. Once you submit this information, an activation link will be sent to your provided email address which needs to be clicked in order for the registration process to complete successfully. After submitting all of these details and activating your account via the emailed link, users are able access their profile page where they can customize it with photos or videos if desired before beginning dating activities on the site/app. Registration is free and does not require any payment from users in order for them gain full access of its features – making it accessible for anyone who meets its minimum age requirement of 18 years old or above!

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide valid email address
  • 3. Accept terms of service agreement
  • 4. Select gender identity and sexual orientation preferences
  • 5. Upload profile photo (optional)
  • 6. Complete personal information such as age, height, body type etc (optional) 7 .Provide location details to enable search by geographic area 8 .Agree to receive promotional emails from Feabie

Design and Usability of Feabie.com

The Feabie.com app has a modern and sleek design, with bold colors that make it easy to navigate the interface. The profiles of other people are easily found through searching or browsing categories like location, age range, body type etc., making finding potential matches simple and efficient. Usability is great on this app; users can quickly find what they’re looking for due to its intuitive navigation system and clear layout structure. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as more profile photos being displayed at once which makes scrolling through results much faster than before.

User Profile Quality

Feabie.com is a social networking website for those who are interested in the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle. All profiles on Feabie are public, so anyone can view them without signing up or logging in to the site. Users have the ability to customize their profile with an optional bio section as well as add photos and videos of themselves if they choose to do so. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with other members that share similar interests or lifestyles, allowing for further communication between two parties should both consenting individuals agree upon it first before being added into each others friends list .

Privacy settings available on Feabie include options such as hiding your location info from appearing within your profile page while still giving you access certain features like searching by location distance (if enabled). Sign-in options include Google/Facebook accounts but these aren’t mandatory when creating an account nor will any information be shared across either platform unless specified by user choice during signup process; there’s no indication of fake accounts since all new registrations must go through email verification process prior activation of newly created account – this helps keep out spammers & bots alike!

Premium subscription benefits includes access additional search filters along with customizing visibility settings based off what type content one wishes display publicly versus private viewing only allowed among select few chosen contacts made via friend requests sent & accepted between two users – plus having option hide last seen activity status from showing whenever someone views another person’s profile page thereby increasing overall privacy levels even more compared free membership version offered everyone else not subscribed premium service plan yet at same time!


Feabie.com is a social networking site for people who are into the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle. It has become increasingly popular over the years, with its members coming from all walks of life to share their experiences and connect with like-minded individuals. The website also offers an online dating service which allows users to find potential partners based on shared interests or physical attributes such as size preference or body type. One of the main advantages of using Feabie’s dating service is that it provides a safe space for those in this niche community to meet without fear of judgement or harassment from outside sources; additionally, since there are no fees associated with joining, users can access all features free-of-charge once they create an account on the platform. On top of that, Feabie’s user interface makes it easy for newbies to navigate around quickly while experienced daters will appreciate how straightforward messaging works between matches within seconds after connecting them together through mutual interest tags found throughout each profile page!

The difference between Feabie’s website and app lies mainly in functionality: while both versions offer similar services (e.g., creating profiles/connecting via message boards), only one version includes certain features not available elsewhere – namely live video chat capabilities & private messaging options exclusive just mobile devices connected directly onto their network system infrastructure setup by developers working behind scenes at headquarters location itself! Additionally, some aspects may be easier than others depending upon what device you’re using so if want best experience possible then downloading application might preferable route take when looking make most out time spent searching perfect match partner date night event soon come near future day ahead us now here today gone tomorrow before know blink eye…

Safety & Security

Feabie.com is a social networking site dedicated to helping its users find friendship and romance with like-minded individuals. As such, it takes app security very seriously in order to protect the safety of its members. Feabie employs various methods for verifying user accounts, including email verification and phone number validation when signing up for an account as well as manually reviewing photos uploaded by users to ensure they are authentic images of the individual claiming them rather than stock or stolen photographs from other sources online. In addition, Feabie has implemented sophisticated algorithms designed specifically to detect bots and fake accounts that may be attempting malicious activities on their platform while also utilizing two-factor authentication (2FA) options so that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data stored within their system at any given time.

In terms of privacy policy protection measures taken by Feabie, all personal information collected during registration is kept secure using industry standard encryption techniques which prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing this data without permission granted directly through the user’s profile settings page upon logging into their account securely via 2FA authentication process each time they wish make changes or view confidential details about themselves stored onsite with us here at feabei .

Pricing and Benefits

Feabie.com: Is a Paid Subscription Necessary?

Feabie.com is an online dating and social networking website for people who are attracted to the “feeder/feedee” lifestyle, which involves gaining or losing weight in order to become more attractive. The site offers both free and paid subscriptions, but do users really need a paid subscription on Feabie?

The basic features of the site can be accessed without having to pay anything; however, those with premium accounts have access to additional features such as private messaging and advanced search options that make it easier for them find potential partners faster than they would if they were using only the free version of the service. Premium members also get priority customer support when needed – something that could come in handy should any issues arise while using Feabie’s services.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On Feabei:

  • Private Messaging & Advanced Search Options To Find Potential Partners Faster * Priority Customer Support When Needed * Access To Exclusive Content And Events * Ability To Hide Your Profile From Non-Premium Members

The prices vary depending on how long you want your subscription for; 1 month costs $14 USD per month whilst 6 months cost $10 USD per month (a 33% saving). This makes their pricing quite competitive compared with other similar sites offering similar services so it may be worth considering upgrading from a free account if you’re looking at getting full use out of all its features available within this niche market community .

Finally, cancelling your membership is simple enough – just log into your profile settings page where there will be an option allowing you cancel anytime during your current billing cycle (no refunds apply) before being automatically downgraded back onto a Free Account once again after expiration date has passed..

Help & Support

Feabie.com is a social network for people who are interested in feederism and BBW/BHM dating. The website provides support to its users, so they can access help when needed.

The primary way of accessing support on Feabie is through the Contact Us page located at the bottom of every page on their website. Here you will find an email address where you can send your queries or issues directly to their customer service team, as well as links to other helpful resources such as FAQs and Terms & Conditions pages which may provide quick answers for commonly asked questions without having to contact them directly first.

In addition, there is also a Support Forum available on Feabie that allows members with similar problems or concerns about using the site’s features and services share advice with each other while waiting for responses from Customer Service representatives via email or telephone (which are not currently offered). Generally speaking response times vary depending upon how busy they are but most inquiries should be answered within 24 hours during normal business days Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST time zone .


1. Is Feabie.com safe?

Feabie.com is a social network designed for people who are interested in the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle, so it can be considered safe depending on what you’re looking for. The website has strict rules against inappropriate content or behavior, which helps to ensure that users feel comfortable and secure while using the site. Additionally, Feabie employs moderators to monitor user activity 24/7 and take action when necessary; this further contributes to its safety standards. In general, if you use common sense when interacting with other members of the community then there should not be any issues with your security or privacy while using Feabie’s services

2. Is Feabie.com a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Feabie.com is a real dating site with real users. The website was launched in 2014 and has since grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites for people who are interested in finding like-minded partners or friends who share similar interests and lifestyles. The platform offers its members an array of features such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, private photo albums, groups and forums that enable them to connect with other members from around the world. Additionally, it also provides access to exclusive events where singles can meet up face-to-face for activities such as movie nights or game nights among others which further helps foster meaningful relationships between individuals on the site

3. How to use Feabie.com app?

Feabie.com is an app designed to help people connect with others who share similar interests and lifestyles. It provides a platform for users to find like-minded individuals, build relationships, and even make new friends in their local area or around the world. The app allows you to create a profile that includes your age, gender identity/expression preferences, relationship status (single/married), body type (overweight or not), location preference (local only or worldwide) as well as other personal information such as hobbies and interests so that potential matches can get an idea of what kind of person you are before deciding whether they would like to chat with you further.

Once registered on Feabie’s website or mobile application users can start searching for potential connections by using the search feature which allows them filter results based on criteria such as gender identity/expression preferences, body type etc., view profiles from those found through searches including photos if available; send messages directly via private messaging system; join group chats related topics within interest groups; participate in forums discussing various subjects among members etc.. In addition there are also events organized regularly where one could meet up face-to-face with fellow feabies living nearby – these range from coffee meetings at cafes all the way up to full blown weekend trips!

4. Is Feabie.com free?

Yes, Feabie.com is free to use! It offers a variety of features and services that can be accessed without any cost or subscription fees. The website allows users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, interact with other members through messages and comments, join groups related to their interests as well as post on forums for discussion topics. In addition there are also premium membership options available which offer additional benefits such as increased profile visibility in search results and the ability to view private content from other members who have chosen not make it publicly visible. Overall Feabie provides an enjoyable experience at no charge so why not give it a try today?

5. Is Feabie.com working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Feabie.com is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website offers many different features that make finding the right person easy and enjoyable. You can browse through profiles of other members, send messages to those who interest you, or join in on conversations in their forums about topics related to plus size dating and relationships. Additionally, there are plenty of events listed on the site for people looking for something more social than just online chatting or messaging each other back-and-forth from home computers or phones – such as meetups at local restaurants/bars/clubs where likeminded individuals gather together in an inviting atmosphere with no pressure attached! All this makes Feabie one of the best places out there when it comes time to search for your perfect match!


To conclude, Feabie.com is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating and socializing with like-minded people who share similar interests. The design of the app is modern and user friendly which makes it easy to navigate around the site. Additionally, safety and security measures are in place so users can feel safe when using this platform as well as help from support staff if needed. Lastly, profiles on Feabie are quite detailed giving an insight into potential matches before connecting with them making sure that you meet someone compatible with your lifestyle choices or preferences. All things considered we believe that overall this application has been designed very thoughtfully offering its users a secure environment where they can connect without any worries while also having access to plenty of features allowing them customize their experience according to their needs or wants!

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.