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  • Easy to use
  • Free membership option
  • Large user base
  • Variety of features available
  • Comprehensive profile information
  • No verification process
  • Lack of customer service support
  • Potential for fake profiles and scammers
  • Limited features compared to other dating apps
  • Restricted access in some countries


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    Hardly ever
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Jaumo Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Jaumo is a free online dating app that has been connecting people since 2011. It was created by two German entrepreneurs, Jens Kammerer and Benjamin Roth, who wanted to make it easier for singles around the world to find compatible partners. Jaumo offers an easy-to-use platform with many features such as profile creation, chat rooms and messaging capabilities so users can get in touch with each other quickly and easily.

The app’s target audience consists of single adults looking for casual dates or serious relationships depending on their preferences; however anyone over 18 years old can join the community regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. The majority of active users are between 25 – 34 years old but there’s also a significant number from 35 – 44 age group which makes up about 30% according to recent surveys conducted by Jaumo team itself . Currently more than 40 million people have registered on this platform making it one of most popular mobile apps worldwide especially in countries like Brazil , Mexico , India , Germany & USA where millions use it every day .

Is using Jaumo completely free? Yes! You don’t need any subscription fees nor do you have to pay anything extra when downloading the application from either App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). All its features are available without spending money including creating your own account within minutes via email address verification process followed by setting up your profile page information such as interests hobbies etcetera .

Once all done you’ll be able access thousands profiles across globe instantly start chatting them even if they’re not currently logged into system due notifications sent directly phones inboxes allowing stay connected anytime anywhere !

How Does Jaumo Work?

Jaumo is a dating app that connects people from all over the world. It allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches, and communicate with other members of the community. The app has several key features that make it easy to find compatible partners in your area or around the globe. You can browse through different user profiles based on age, location, interests and more; you can also use advanced filters like gender preference or language spoken if you want to narrow down your search even further. Jaumo also offers a unique feature called “Verified Profiles” which verifies each profile before allowing them onto its platform so as to ensure only genuine users are present on their site at any given time.

The number of active Jaumo users varies by country but there are millions worldwide who have already joined this growing community! In fact, according to recent statistics about 5 million registered accounts come from Germany alone while another 3 million hail from France followed closely by 2 million each coming from Brazil and Mexico respectively; finally 1 million accounts belong those living in India making up one fifth of total membership base globally speaking .

Once you’ve found someone interesting enough whose profile catches your eye then simply hit "like" button located beneath their photo – doing so will notify person immediately letting him/her know that they have been liked back same way (if mutual interest exists). From here both parties may start chatting using built-in messaging system available within application itself giving opportunity get better acquainted prior meeting face-to-face later date should situation arise such scenario ever arises between two individuals involved conversationally wise .

If after few conversations things don’t work out well then no worries because user always has option disconnecting himself/herself anytime he/she wants without fear repercussions whatsoever kind due anonymity factor associated with every account created under umbrella services provided courtesy JAUMO App Ltd., makers popular mobile program used today’s modern society when comes finding true love soul mate alike many others successfully done exactly same thing during past years gone bye thanks company being part forefront industry bringing together couples everywhere around planet Earth regardless where reside physically geographically speaking since inception started business operations long ago now !

Finally , once couple does decide take relationship next level perhaps consider going physical route matter subject entirely upon themselves determine best course action however taking into consideration importance safety security overall wellbeing both participants involved must remain priority decision made moving forward ultimately whatever happens afterwards outcome be solely responsibility own hands not anyone else ‘s either side equation neither party shall held accountable event something goes wrong future point time along journey life shared together ahead lies ahead awaiting discovery enjoy explore new horizons possibilities open doors lead bright horizon never seen before eyes beholders beauty splendour awaits behind corner waiting patiently explored depths abyss unknown mysteries await solved unraveled paths crossed taken bravely courageously heartily despite fears doubts reservations mind souls become entwined intertwined forevermore amen !

  • 1.Instant Match: Instantly connect with other users based on mutual interests and preferences.
  • 2. Flirtcast: Send a single message to multiple potential matches at once, making it easier to start conversations quickly.
  • 3. Encounters Game: Swipe through profiles of nearby singles in an interactive game-like format for easy matching and messaging opportunities.
  • 4. Verified Profiles & Photos: Ensure that you are interacting with real people by verifying profile photos using facial recognition technology from Microsoft Azure AI services .
  • 5. Private Chat Rooms : Exchange messages privately without revealing your personal contact information or social media accounts .
  • 6

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Jaumo app is a straightforward process. To get started, users need to download and install the application from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After launching it for the first time, they will be prompted to enter their email address or phone number as well as create a password in order to log into their account. They can also choose whether they want to use Facebook Login instead of creating an account manually. Once all details are filled out correctly and submitted, users will receive an activation code via SMS that needs to be entered before accessing any features of this dating platform. After submitting these details successfully, people can start searching for potential matches by setting up filters such as age range and location radius which makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before! Additionally, they have access not only chat with other members but also browse through profiles anonymously if desired so that no one knows who viewed them unless both parties agree otherwise (this feature requires subscription). The minimum required age for using Jaumo is 18 years old; however registration itself does not cost anything – signing up is completely free!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a secure password that meets the minimum requirements for length and complexity.
  • 3. User must agree to Jaumo’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in order to complete registration process successfully
  • 4. Users should be able to upload profile picture during sign up or later when editing their profile information
  • 5 .User should have an option for connecting with Facebook account
  • 6 .Users need to enter age verification details such as date of birth, gender etc., before they can access full features on the platform
  • 7 .A captcha system needs to be implemented at various stages throughout the registration process 8 .An SMS verification code may also need sent out upon successful completion of all other steps

Design and Usability of Jaumo

The Jaumo app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors like blue, yellow and green that make it stand out. The user interface is simple to navigate and easy on the eyes. You can easily find profiles of other people by using the search bar or scrolling through suggested matches. The usability of this app is great; you can quickly sign up for an account without having to fill in too many details about yourself. There are no UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are some additional features such as being able to see who liked your profile before they match with you.

User Profile Quality

The profiles on Jaumo are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to customize their profile with a bio and photos of themselves. There is also an option for users to add friends or follow other users they find interesting. Privacy settings are available so that only certain people can see your profile information and posts if desired. Additionally, there is a Google sign-in feature as well as Facebook which allows you to quickly create an account without having to enter in all your personal details manually. The platform does its best at weeding out any fake accounts by requiring each user’s email address be verified before being able to use the app fully; however it cannot guarantee 100% accuracy due this verification process not always being successful when dealing with fraudulent accounts . Location info in profiles includes city name but no indication of distance between two users exists unless both parties agree on exchanging such information via direct messaging or another method outside of Jaumo itself.. Premium subscription holders may benefit from additional features like more visibility within search results compared those who do not pay for premium services offered by Jaumo..


Jaumo is a dating website and app that provides users with the opportunity to meet new people, build relationships, and find love. The site offers various features such as matchmaking algorithms, profile customization options, messaging tools for communication between members of the community. Jaumo also has an extensive database of potential matches which makes it easier for users to find compatible partners based on their interests or preferences. One of its main advantages is that it’s free to use; however there are some premium services available at additional cost if desired by the user. Additionally Jaumo allows users to remain anonymous until they feel comfortable enough with another member before revealing any personal information about themselves in order to ensure safety within its platform .

The difference between using Jaumo’s website versus their mobile application lies mainly in convenience – while both offer access into the same pool of potential dates from anywhere around world -the mobile version can be used more quickly due since all you need is your phone whereas accessing via web requires logging onto a computer first . However this does not mean one option should be favored over other as both have similar functionality when comes down finding someone special , so ultimately choice will depend upon individual preference whether they want go through process faster or take time browsing profiles on bigger screen provided by laptop/desktop computers

Safety & Security

Jaumo is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment. To ensure this, they have implemented various security measures including verification methods for their users. Jaumo has developed an advanced system of verifying user accounts which includes manual photo reviews by moderators as well as automated systems that use AI technology to detect fake profiles or bots created by malicious actors. Additionally, the app also offers two-factor authentication options such as SMS codes or biometric identification in order to further protect user data from unauthorized access.

In terms of privacy policy, Jaumo takes great care in protecting the personal information it collects from its customers while using their services; all collected data is stored securely on encrypted servers and only used for legitimate purposes outlined within their Privacy Policy document available online at https://www.jaumo .com/privacy/. This ensures that any customer’s private information remains confidential between them and Jaumo alone without being shared with third parties unless explicitly authorized by the customer themselves

Pricing and Benefits

Is Jaumo Free or Paid?

Jaumo is a dating app that allows users to meet and connect with other singles. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so it’s up to the user whether they want to pay for additional features or not. The basic version of the app is completely free, but if you’re looking for more advanced features then there are several different levels of paid subscriptions available as well.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On Jaumo

  • See who has liked your profile – $4/month – Unrestricted messaging capabilities – Access exclusive premium content – Get higher visibility in search results – View profiles anonymously – Receive priority customer support – Remove ads from your experience

These benefits can be quite useful when using an online dating service like Jaumo, since they allow users to get more out of their experience by having access to additional tools and resources that aren’t available on the free version. Additionally, many people find these extra features worth paying for due its competitive prices compared with similar services offered by competitors such as Tinder Plus ($9/month).

Cancellation Process & Refunds On Jaumo

If at any point during your subscription period you decide that you no longer wish use this service anymore then cancelling should be relatively easy process; all one needs do is log into their account settings page where they will have option cancel membership directly from there without needing contact anyone else about it first beforehand (though may still need provide valid reason why doing so). As far refunds go though unfortunately cannot guarantee anything here since policies vary depending on individual case basis whatnot however generally speaking most companies tend offer some kind refund least part amount spent based upon how long been subscribed etcetera thus best check details before committing purchase order make sure know exactly what getting into terms money back guarantees related stuff like .                                                                                                                                          Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Jaumo? Ultimately decision whether upgrade regular plan premium really depends person’s specific situation preferences budget determine which route take example those simply wanting try out see works might opt just stick basics while others interested taking full advantage everything has offer could benefit going higher tier package instead end day choice ultimately yours make whatever feel comfortable happy with!

Help & Support

Jaumo is a popular dating app that provides users with access to support when needed. Whether you have an issue with the platform or need help setting up your profile, Jaumo has several options available for accessing assistance.

The first way to get in touch with Jaumo’s customer service team is through their website. On the site, there are multiple pages dedicated to providing helpful information and resources such as FAQs and tutorials on how best use the app features. Additionally, if customers still require further assistance they can submit an inquiry via email which will be answered within 24 hours by one of their representatives who will provide personalized advice tailored towards resolving any issues experienced while using Jaumo’s services .

In addition to online support methods offered byJaume , users also have access phone-based technical support from Monday – Friday between 9am – 5pm CET (Central European Time). The response time for this type of contact varies depending on current call volume but typically it takes no more than 15 minutes before being connected directly with a representative ready able answer questions regarding account setup or other related inquiries about using the platform efficiently .

Overall , whether its through emailing customer service staff or speaking directly over phone lines , those seeking help while navigating around jaume can rest assured knowing that all queries submitted will receive prompt attention from knowledgeable professionals eager assist them in getting back out into dating world without hassle


1. Is Jaumo safe?

Jaumo is a secure and safe dating app that takes the safety of its users seriously. The company has implemented various security measures to ensure all user data remains private, including encryption technology and firewalls. Additionally, Jaumo offers an extensive set of guidelines for staying safe while using their platform. These include never sharing personal information with strangers or meeting up in person without taking precautions such as telling friends where you are going and when you expect to return home safely. Finally, they also provide resources on how to recognize potential scammers so users can stay alert at all times when interacting with other members online

2. Is Jaumo a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Jaumo is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2011 and has grown to become one of the most popular online dating platforms worldwide. The platform provides an easy-to-use interface that allows users to find potential matches based on their interests, location and other criteria they set up for themselves. Additionally, it offers features such as live chat rooms where members can communicate with each other without having to reveal any personal information or contact details until both parties are comfortable doing so. As a result of its user friendly design and security measures taken by the company, Jaumo has been able to attract millions of active monthly users from all over the world who use it regularly for finding love or companionship online safely and securely

3. How to use Jaumo app?

Jaumo is a dating app that makes it easy to meet new people. To get started, you will need to download the Jaumo app from either the App Store or Google Play store and create an account. Once your account has been created, you can start searching for potential matches by using various filters such as age range, location and interests. You can also browse through other users’ profiles if they have made them publically available. If someone catches your eye then simply send them a message via chat or add them as friends on Jaumo! From there you are free to exchange messages with each other in order to get know one another better before deciding whether or not take things further offline!

4. Is Jaumo free?

Yes, Jaumo is free to use. The app offers a wide range of features and services that can be accessed without any cost. You can create an account on the platform for free and start using it right away. With Jaumo, you have access to all its messaging tools as well as other social media functions such as sharing photos or videos with friends or family members in your network. Additionally, users are able to find potential matches based on their interests by searching through profiles from around the world at no extra charge!

5. Is Jaumo working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Jaumo is working and it is possible to find someone there. The app offers a wide range of features that make it easy for users to connect with potential matches in their area. Users can search by age, location or interests and use the chat feature to start conversations with people they are interested in getting to know better. Additionally, users have access to safety tools such as blocking certain individuals if needed and reporting any suspicious activity on the platform so that other members remain safe while using Jaumo’s services. All these features combined make Jaumo an ideal place for singles looking for meaningful connections online!


In conclusion, Jaumo is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; its user interface is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy to use even for those who have never used a similar application before. The safety and security of this platform are also top-notch as they employ various measures such as two-factor authentication in order to protect their members from potential threats or frauds. Furthermore, help & support provided by Jaumo team ensures that all queries get answered quickly without any hassle whatsoever. Lastly, user profile quality on this platform is quite good due to extensive verification process which helps ensure authenticity of profiles created on the website/app itself. All things considered we can say with confidence that Jaumo definitely deserves your attention if you’re looking for an online partner!

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Author Jacob Williams

Jacob Williams is an experienced writer and relationship expert. He is passionate about helping others find love and happiness through his writing. His articles focus on topics such as love, sex, and dating. Jacob has been featured in multiple publications and has been cited by many leading experts in the field. He believes that everyone deserves to find true love and is dedicated to helping others achieve it. Jacob hopes to continue to share his insights and advice through his writing in order to help others find and maintain meaningful relationships.