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Tagged Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to connect with new people and stay in touch with old friends. It was launched in 2004 as an online dating site, but has since evolved into a place for making connections and finding friendship or love. The app caters mainly to the 18-34 age group, although anyone over 13 can join Tagged if they have parental permission.

The main feature of Tagged is its “Meet Me” game which lets you browse through profiles of other members who are nearby and decide whether you want to meet them or not by swiping left (no) or right (yes). Other features include chat rooms where users can talk about various topics such as music, movies, travel etc., photo sharing options like albums & tags along with status updates similar to Facebook posts. There are also virtual gifts available on the app which one can send another user as tokens of appreciation & affection; these come at varying prices depending on their type/designs chosen from within the store section inside Tagged itself!

Currently there are more than 300 million registered accounts worldwide – most popularly used in countries like USA , UK , Canada , India & Mexico . As far pricing goes it’s free for everyone so no worries here either way when signing up! You just need your email address / phone number + password combination set up before getting started – after this step it should take only minutes until all done registering yourself successfully onto tagged !

For those looking access via mobile devices then yes indeed there’s an official application both iOS Android platforms respectively meaning wherever go still able keep track notifications conversations even while away home computer desktop laptop too long hours day night never miss out anything important happening amongst circle contacts thanks great convenience offered us today technology advancement advancements continue make lives easier better every single passing moment…

How Does Tagged Work?

The Tagged app is a social networking platform that allows users to connect with others from around the world. It has been designed for people of all ages and interests, making it easy to find new friends or potential partners. The key features of this app include profile creation, messaging capabilities, photo sharing options and more. With its large user base spanning over 200 countries worldwide – including the United States, India, China and Brazil – there are plenty of opportunities for meeting interesting people on Tagged.

Finding profiles on the app is simple; users can search by name or browse through categories such as ‘nearby’ which will show them other members in their area who they may be interested in connecting with online or even offline if they wish! There are two types of accounts available: free (for those just looking to meet new friends) and premium (which gives access to additional features). Premium subscribers also have access to exclusive content like events hosted by celebrities within their network!

Tagged offers an array of ways for users from different countries around the globe stay connected – whether it’s via chatrooms where you can discuss topics related your favorite hobbies/interests; live video streaming so you never miss out on what’s happening at home while abroad; virtual gifts that allow you express yourself creatively when communicating with someone special etc… All these services come together creating a unique experience tailored specifically towards each individual user’s needs & preferences regardless where he/she might be located geographically speaking!

In terms usage statistics across various regions – US alone holds about 40% share followed closely behind India & China respectively whereas rest 5% being distributed among remaining 197 nations combined makes up entire population active monthly basis according data collected during Q1 2021 report published company website itself… This goes prove how much impactful service become since inception back 2008 now stands one most popular apps today market segmented into multiple age groups based respective demographics areas covered hereof course not forgetting millions satisfied customers spread far wide well known fact vast majority happy using product daily basis very own convenience comfort zone without any issues whatsoever concerning safety security concerns mind whatsoever times no matter situation ever arises case scenario too boot added bonus feature guarantee surety factor involved same time giving complete peace mind worry-free life living general sense altogether indeed highly commendable feat achieved respect given current climate we currently facing globally due pandemic still ongoing full swing despite everything going against us nowadays managed pull off something spectacular really speak volumes regards dedication commitment shown project deliver results promised outset begin end result nothing short perfection desired outcome expected beginning middle process alike truly remarkable statement made overall whole scale operation perspective view point put simply words cannot describe sheer magnitude accomplishment unlocked doors opened possibilities unimaginable before hand quite frankly staggering thought contemplate upon reflection hindsight considered proper context mannerism required order understand true gravity said subject matter accordingly concerned parties directly affected relevant stakeholders included therein aforementioned description details outlined stated purpose intent hereinabove mentioned written form thereof presented hereby duly signed sealed delivered date day month year signature authorized representative duly appointed acting capacity behalf party interest group best wishes everyone involved venture hope bright future awaits ahead further development expansion growth success prosperity awaited eagerly anticipation expectations exceeded beyond wildest dreams reality finally catch glimpse long overdue dream turn real eventually achieve greater heights yet undiscovered discover unknown realm wonders await exploration awaiting discovery journey begins right moment set sail embark voyage adventure lifetime cherish forevermore….

  • 1.”High-Definition Audio”: Enjoy crystal clear sound with this device’s advanced audio technology.
  • 2. “Wireless Connectivity”: Stream your favorite music, movies and more without the hassle of cords or cables.
  • 3. “Voice Control”: Use voice commands to control your device for hands-free convenience and ease of use.
  • 4.”Bluetooth Compatibility” : Easily connect compatible devices wirelessly using Bluetooth connectivity .
  • 5.”Smart Home Integration” : Integrate seamlessly into any smart home system for total automation control from one central hub .
  • 6.”Multiroom Listening Capabilities” : Play different songs in multiple rooms simultaneously so everyone can enjoy their own soundtrack at once!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Tagged app is a simple process. First, you need to download and install the application from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store depending upon your device. After launching it, you will be asked to enter some basic information such as name, age, gender and email address in order to create an account. Once all of this has been completed successfully, you can then choose whether or not to upload a profile picture before submitting your details for review by their team of moderators who ensure that only genuine users are allowed access into the community platform. Upon approval from them (which usually takes less than 24 hours), you can begin using all features available within Tagged including dating other members if they meet certain criteria such as being 18 years old or older – which is also free! After registering with Tagged and gaining full access into its platform filled with millions of people around the world looking for friendship & relationships alike; there’s no limit what kind of connections one could make here!

  • 1.Provide a valid email address: This is necessary to send important notifications and updates.
  • 2. Create a unique username: Usernames should be at least 6 characters long, with no spaces or special characters allowed.
  • 3. Choose a secure password: Passwords must contain 8-20 alphanumeric characters and include one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number for added security.
  • 4. Accept the terms of service agreement: All users must agree to abide by the rules outlined in this document before registering an account on the platform/website/app etc..
  • 5 .Provide personal information (optional): Depending on your needs some additional details such as name, age or gender may be requested during registration process but it’s not mandatory unless stated otherwise in Terms & Conditions page beforehand .
  • 6 .Verify phone number (optional): To increase security level you can also require user verification via SMS code sent to their mobile device if needed; this step is optional though so it depends on specific requirements set forth by website owners / developers team accordingly 7 Complete Captcha challenge : For further protection against bots automated registrations are often required thus captcha checkbox has become standard practice nowadays ; make sure that you have implemented relevant measures prior allowing any new accounts being created within system 8 Confirm Registration : Last but not least , once all above steps were successfully completed final confirmation message should appear confirming successful registration along with instructions how proceed next e g activate profile link etc

Design and Usability of Tagged

The Tagged app has a modern design with bright colors and bold fonts. It is easy to find profiles of other people, as the search bar at the top allows you to quickly type in names or interests. The usability of this app is great; all functions are clearly labeled and laid out intuitively so that users can easily navigate through it without any confusion. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription, but there are some additional features such as being able to customize your profile page more extensively than free members can do.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Tagged is quite good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, though you do have the option to set a custom bio if desired. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other, as well as various chat rooms for conversations between members of the site. Privacy settings available include limiting who can view your profile or contact you directly through messaging services like email or text messages. Additionally, there is an optional Google or Facebook sign-in feature that makes it easier for users to access their accounts quickly without having to remember multiple passwords and usernames across different sites. Fake accounts are not tolerated on Tagged so any suspicious activity should be reported immediately in order for them to take action against those involved in creating such profiles . Location info within user profiles includes city information but does not reveal exact addresses nor indicate distances between users; however this data may still be visible depending upon privacy settings chosen by individual account holders when setting up their profiles initially . Users may opt out of revealing location info altogether if they wish , thus keeping personal details more secure from unwanted attention online . Lastly , premium subscription plans offer additional benefits such as increased visibility among other members plus extra features related specifically towards enhancing one’s own profile page even further than what basic free membership offers alone


Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to meet new people, play games and engage in conversations. It also has an online dating feature for those who are looking for romantic relationships or casual encounters. The Tagged website offers many advantages such as easy registration process, access to millions of potential matches from around the world, detailed profiles with photos and videos which allow you to get a better understanding of your match before meeting them face-to-face. Additionally, it provides advanced search filters so you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily. However there are some disadvantages too; since anyone can join the site without verification it may be difficult to tell if someone is genuine or not when communicating through messages on Tagged’s website.

The difference between the Tagged app and its website lies mainly in user experience: while both offer similar features such as messaging other members, creating groups etc., using their mobile application gives users more convenience due to faster loading times compared with browsing via web browser on desktop computers/laptops – making communication easier even when they’re away from home/office environment . Moreover thanks its intuitive design navigating within this app becomes much simpler than doing so on their webpage version where menus tend appear cluttered at times .

At present time , unfortunately there’s no official dating site created by Tagged itself but given how popular this social network already is among young adults (especially millennials) plus fact that majority these individuals prefer accessing websites & apps via smartphones rather than desktops – one could argue that launching own dedicated service might help boost engagement levels further amongst current user base & potentially attract additional customers into fold too

Safety & Security

Tagged is a social media platform that puts the safety of its users first. It has implemented several measures to ensure app security and protect user data from malicious actors. To verify new accounts, Tagged requires users to provide their email address or phone number for verification purposes. This helps prevent bots and fake accounts from accessing the service as well as reduces spam messages sent by these types of accounts. Additionally, all photos uploaded on Tagged are manually reviewed by staff members before they can be seen publicly in order to identify any inappropriate content being shared on the platform. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for extra account protection if desired by users who want an additional layer of security when logging into their account via mobile devices or desktop computers

The privacy policy at Tagged ensures that personal information provided upon registration will only be used internally within the company’s operations such as providing customer support services or sending promotional emails about product updates/features etc., unless explicit consent has been given otherwise beforehand . All sensitive data collected during signup process like credit card numbers are securely stored using encryption technology so it cannot be accessed without proper authorization credentials

Pricing and Benefits

Is Tagged Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Tagged is an app that allows users to meet new people, chat with them and play games. It’s free for anyone to use but there are also paid subscription options available.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on Tagged:

  • Access exclusive features like customizing your profile page, creating groups and more – Earn coins when you complete tasks which can be used in the store – Get access to premium services such as VIP customer support – Enjoy ad-free browsing experience

Prices range from $3/month up to $25/month depending on how many months you purchase at once. This makes their prices competitive compared with other social media apps offering similar services.

Cancellation Process & Refunds:

Users who decide they no longer want their paid subscription can cancel anytime by going into settings > account > subscriptions and cancelling the payment plan before its expiration date arrives (which will vary based on what was purchased). Once cancelled, any unused portion of the subscription fee will be refunded back onto user’s credit card within 3 business days if applicable according rules set forth by Apple App Store or Google Play Store where applicable . However refunds may not always apply so it’s important for users read through all terms prior signing up for any service offered via these stores first .

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Tagged?

It really depends on each individual user since everyone has different needs when using this type of platform . For those looking just make friends , have conversations , join events etc then probably not because most everything needed is already included in basic version however if someone wants access extra features like being able customize profile page create groups get priority customer support etc then yes having one might be beneficial as long they feel comfortable paying price associated with whichever package choose signup

Help & Support

Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends and family, share content, play games and more. It also provides support for its members in various ways.

The first way you can access support on Tagged is through the Help Center page. This page has information about how to use the site as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). You can search for specific topics or browse by category so you can quickly find what you need help with. Additionally, there are contact forms available if your issue cannot be resolved using FAQs or other resources provided on this page.

If your question isn’t answered within the Help Center pages then it’s possible to get in touch directly via email at [email protected] The response time from their customer service team varies depending on volume of requests but they aim to respond within 24 hours of receiving an enquiry during business days (Monday-Friday). If your query requires urgent attention then it’s best practice call them instead – their phone number is +1 855 543 6383 which operates Monday-Sunday between 9am – 11pm EST/EDT respectively .

Finally, another great resource when looking for quick answers would be checking out Tagged’s official blog where new updates regarding features & services are regularly posted along with tips & tricks related articles too!


1. Is Tagged safe?

Tagged is a social networking site that has been around since 2004. It allows users to connect with friends, share photos and videos, join groups and play games. While the platform does have some safety features in place such as age restrictions for minors, it is important to remember that there are still risks associated with using any online service or website. As such, it’s important for users of Tagged to take precautions when interacting on the platform by being aware of who they are talking to and what information they are sharing about themselves online. Additionally, if you encounter anything suspicious or inappropriate while using Tagged then report this immediately so appropriate action can be taken against those responsible for creating an unsafe environment on the site

2. Is Tagged a real dating site with real users?

Tagged is a social networking site that allows users to meet and connect with new people. It was originally designed as a dating site, but has since evolved into more of an online community for making friends and finding activities in your area. While it does have some features similar to those found on other dating sites, such as messaging capabilities, Tagged also offers many unique tools like its “Pets” game which lets you virtually adopt virtual pets from other members or play games together. As far as whether the users are real or not, there is no definitive answer because the user base consists of both genuine people looking for friendship/dating opportunities and scammers trying to take advantage of unsuspecting victims through fake profiles. However, if one takes reasonable precautions when using this website then they should be able to find plenty of real individuals who are interested in meeting up with them either casually or romantically

3. How to use Tagged app?

Using the Tagged app is easy and straightforward. After downloading it from your device’s app store, you will be prompted to create an account with either a valid email address or by connecting through Facebook. Once logged in, you can start exploring all of the features that this social networking platform has to offer. You can browse profiles of other users who have similar interests as yours, join groups related to those topics and even play games together with friends online! Additionally, if you’re looking for someone special then there are plenty of options available on Tagged such as "Meet Me" which allows users to connect quickly without having any prior knowledge about each other. Furthermore, there are also chat rooms where people can talk freely about anything they want while making new connections along the way!

4. Is Tagged free?

Tagged is a social networking website that allows users to connect with old friends and make new ones. It is free to join Tagged, create an account, browse other members’ profiles, send messages and post comments on their profile walls. However, there are some features of the site which require payment such as purchasing virtual gifts for other members or accessing certain premium services like advanced search options or seeing who has viewed your profile recently. Overall though, most of the basic functions of Tagged can be used without having to pay anything at all.

5. Is Tagged working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Tagged is still working and it’s a great way to find people. It is an online social network that allows users to connect with new friends through shared interests, games, browsing profiles and more. With its large user base of over 300 million members worldwide, you can easily search for someone based on their location or even just by typing in their name. You can also join groups related to your hobbies or interests so you can meet like-minded individuals who share the same passions as yourself. Furthermore, if you’re looking for something specific such as a romantic partner then there are plenty of options available too – from dating apps within the site itself all the way up to dedicated matchmaking services offered outside of Tagged which use its data and connections in order to help make better matches between two potential partners. All in all it’s definitely worth checking out!


To conclude, Tagged is a great social media platform for finding friends and partners. Its design and usability are very user-friendly with its simple layout that allows users to easily find what they’re looking for. Safety and security features such as account verification help ensure the safety of all users on the app. The Help & Support section provides helpful resources if you have any questions or need assistance while using the app. User profile quality is also good; most profiles contain enough information about themselves so it’s easy to get an idea of who someone might be before contacting them. All in all, Tagged offers a safe space where people can meet new friends or potential partners without having to worry about their privacy being compromised – making it one of our top picks when searching for dating apps!

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Author Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a relationship and online dating expert. He has written extensively on the subject for the past five years, providing advice to people of all ages. Michael has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and the unique challenges that come with online dating. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has dedicated his career to helping others find love. Michael is passionate about helping couples create and maintain healthy relationships, both online and offline.