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  • 1. Wide variety of users
  • 2. Comprehensive profile information
  • 3. Easy to use interface
  • Inadequate customer service
  • Unreliable matchmaking algorithm
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  • No mobile app availability
  • Lack of safety features


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Wildbuddies.com: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


Wildbuddies.com is an online social networking platform that was launched in 2006 and has since become one of the most popular apps for singles to meet new people, make friends, and find potential romantic partners. It is owned by Together Networks Limited which operates a number of dating sites across five countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

The app offers users a variety of features such as chat rooms where they can connect with other members; photo galleries so they can upload pictures; search tools allowing them to filter their results based on age or location; private messaging services enabling them to communicate privately with other members; virtual gifts so they can show appreciation for another user’s profile or photos etc.; ‘winks’ – short messages sent from one member to another indicating interest in getting acquainted further – all these are designed specifically towards helping its users build meaningful relationships through this platform.. Wildbuddies also provides safety tips regarding how best its users should protect themselves while using the site.

The app currently boasts over 1 million active monthly subscribers worldwide who use it both via web browsers as well as mobile devices (Android & iOS). It remains free-to-use but does offer premium subscription plans at additional cost offering extra benefits like unlimited access/messaging privileges etc., if desired by any user . To register on WildBuddies , you simply need your email address along with some basic information about yourself like gender identity , birthdate etc., after which you will be able create your own unique profile page showcasing yourself just how you want others see it!

How Does Wildbuddies.com Work?

Wildbuddies.com is an app that helps users find new friends and potential romantic partners in their area. It offers a wide range of features to help people connect with others, including profile creation, messaging capabilities, search functions for finding other members nearby or from around the world, and more. The app also allows users to join various interest-based groups so they can meet like-minded individuals who share similar interests as them.

Users on Wildbuddies are able to create detailed profiles about themselves which include photos and information about their likes/dislikes as well as what type of relationship they’re looking for (friendship or romance). This makes it easier for others searching through the database of available profiles to find someone compatible with them quickly without having to sift through hundreds of unsuitable matches firstly . Additionally , there are many different countries represented by its user base – USA , UK , Canada , Australia & New Zealand – making it easy for anyone living outside these areas but still wanting access this platform .

On Wildbuddies you can easily browse through thousands upon thousands of member profiles using either advanced search filters such as age range or location;or simply browsing at random if desired! You have complete control over how much personal information you want displayed on your own profile too;so privacy concerns need not be a worry here either ! Furthermore ;the ‘Group Chat’ feature lets multiple members communicate together all at once within one conversation window – perfect when trying organise group activities between several contacts simultaneously!

The ‘Match Me’ tool will automatically match up two compatible parties based off each person’s individual preferences – saving time & effort during the process! Plus ;if any issues arise while navigating around this site then customer support staff is always readily available 24 hours per day via live chat functionality directly integrated into every page across website itself . Finally ;all data stored within server databases remains encrypted under 256 bit SSL encryption technology meaning security risks should remain minimal throughout entire experience whilst utilising service provided by WildBuddiez application !

  • 1.Real-time chat and messaging
  • 2. Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • 3. Photo albums for members to share their favorite pictures
  • 4. Video profiles that allow users to showcase themselves in a unique way
  • 5. Anonymous browsing option so you can browse without revealing your identity
  • 6. Events calendar with upcoming local events

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the Wildbuddies.com app, users must first create an account by providing their name, email address and a password. They will then be asked to provide some basic information about themselves such as age, gender and location. After submitting this information they can start creating their profile which includes uploading photos of themselves and writing a brief description about who they are looking for in terms of dating partners or friends. Once completed the user is now ready to begin using the app!

The minimum required age to join Wildbuddies is 18 years old so that users can ensure all members have reached legal adulthood before engaging with them online through messaging or other features available on the platform. Registration itself is free but there may be certain fees associated with premium services offered within it such as virtual gifts etc..

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a unique username/password combination for login credentials.
  • 3. Agree to the terms and conditions of use, including any applicable privacy policies, before completing registration process
  • 4. Complete profile information such as gender, location (city & state), interests etc., which will help in finding potential matches on Wildbuddies website
  • 5 .Upload an appropriate photo that meets site guidelines
  • 6 .Provide answers to questions about lifestyle preferences like smoking habits, drinking habits etc., so that users can find compatible partners with similar interests 7 .Verify identity by providing government-issued ID documents if requested by customer service team 8 .Pay subscription fees (if applicable)

Design and Usability of Wildbuddies.com

The Wildbuddies.com app has a vibrant and modern design, with colors that are pleasing to the eye. The user interface is well-organized and easy to navigate through different menus. Profiles of other people can be easily found by using the search function or sorting options available on the main page of each profile type (e.g., age range). Usability wise, it’s very intuitive; all features are clearly labeled so users know exactly what they need to do in order to access them without any confusion or frustration. Purchasing a paid subscription does not appear to offer any UI improvements over its free version – but there may be additional features unlocked for those who pay for their membership plan instead!

User Profile Quality

Wildbuddies.com is a social networking website for singles who are looking to meet new people and make friends online. The profiles on Wildbuddies are public, so anyone can view them without having an account or logging in. Users have the option of setting up a custom bio with their interests and hobbies as well as uploading photos of themselves to share with other users on the site. There is also a “friends” feature that allows you to add other members as your friend if they accept your request, allowing you both access each others profile information more easily than before adding one another as friends.

When it comes to privacy settings, Wildbuddies offers several options such Google or Facebook sign-in features which allow users added security when creating accounts by linking their existing login credentials from those sites instead of creating separate ones just for this website alone; however there may be some fake accounts due lack of verification process during registration but these should not be too common given that all activity within the platform will still need user authentication first prior being able execute any action (e..g sending messages).

In terms profiles location info , it does reveal city name but doesn’t indicate exact distance between two different locations . If needed though ,users do have ability hide this information from general public by simply changing relevant privacy settings accordingly . Additionally premium subscription holders get additional benefits like higher visibility among search results compared free subscribers plus access exclusive content/features unavailable regular non paying customers .


Wildbuddies.com is a dating website that offers users the opportunity to meet new people and find potential romantic partners in their area. The site provides several features such as profile creation, chat rooms, messaging system and advanced search filters which make it easier for users to connect with others who share similar interests or lifestyles. One of the main advantages of Wildbuddies.com is its user-friendly interface which makes navigating through the different sections straightforward even for those who are not tech savvy. Additionally, members can access detailed profiles on other members before deciding whether they want to initiate contact or not making it easy for them to decide if someone may be compatible with them romantically speaking without wasting time exchanging messages first only then finding out there’s no chemistry between them after all .

The difference between Wildbuddies’ website and app lies mainly in terms of convenience; while both offer most of same features available on desktop version (such as profile browsing), using an app allows you more flexibility when looking up potential matches since you don’t have necessarily have your laptop around at all times but chances are you always carry your phone wherever you go so having this option might come handy when trying to get acquainted with somebody else quickly during short breaks from work or any other activity one may engage into throughout his/her day-to-day life .

At present moment WildBuddies does not provide a dedicated dating site although plans regarding launching one could be made in near future due various reasons such as lack resources needed either financially nor personnel wise , technological constraints related software development etc.. However despite these limitations company still strives towards offering best possible experience by providing mobile application instead giving customers ability stay connected regardless where they currently located at given point time thus ensuring customer satisfaction remains top priority business model followed by organization itself

Safety & Security

Wildbuddies.com is committed to providing its users with a secure online environment for socializing and dating. To ensure the safety of all members, Wildbuddies has implemented several security measures including user verification processes and anti-bot systems.

The site requires new users to verify their identity by submitting valid government issued ID documents such as driver’s license or passport which are then manually reviewed by staff members before approval. This helps prevent fake accounts from being created on the platform while also ensuring that all profiles belong to real people who have been verified through an official process. Furthermore, Wildbuddies employs AI technology in order to detect suspicious activity and block any potential bots or malicious actors attempting access into the system via automated means like scripts or other software tools designed specifically for this purpose.. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts into user accounts; however it must be enabled manually within each account’s settings page if desired by individual users themselves prior activation thereof can take place successfully .

Regarding privacy policy matters at hand , WildBuddie’s does not share personal information about its customers without consent unless required due legal obligations imposed upon them when necessary . All data collected during registration forms , surveys & questionnaires filled out etc…are kept strictly confidential & used solely internal purposes only so rest assured your private info remains safe guarded securely under lock key away from prying eyes .

Pricing and Benefits

Wildbuddies.com is a social networking site for people looking to make friends and meet new people online. The app itself is free, but users can choose to upgrade their account with a paid subscription if they want access to additional features on the platform.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include:

  • Ability to send unlimited messages and chat requests
  • Access premium profile photos from other members – Get featured in WildBuddies’ weekly newsletter – Receive priority customer service support

There are two types of subscriptions available; one month at $14.99 or three months at $29.99, making it quite competitively priced compared with similar services offered by competitors in the market today .

If you decide that you no longer wish to continue your membership then cancelling your account couldn’t be easier; simply log into your account settings page and select ‘cancel my membership’. Refunds will only be issued if cancellation occurs within 14 days after purchase date, so please bear this in mind when deciding whether or not you really need a paid subscription on Wildbuddies!

Help & Support

Wildbuddies.com is a great platform for meeting new people and making friends online. It also provides users with access to support in case they have any questions or need help using the website.

The first way you can get support on Wildbuddies is by visiting their Help page, which has answers to frequently asked questions about the site’s features and services as well as instructions on how to use them properly. This page should be your go-to resource if you are having trouble understanding something related to Wildbuddies since it contains quick solutions that may solve your problem right away without needing further assistance from customer service representatives.

If there isn’t an answer available on the Help page, then you can contact Wildbuddie’s customer service team via email or phone call at any time of day (24/7). They will respond quickly within 24 hours depending upon how busy they are with other customers’ inquiries at that moment in time; however, most responses come back much sooner than this so don’t worry too much about waiting around for long periods of time! Additionally, all emails sent out from Customer Service Representatives contain detailed information regarding whatever issue was raised so users know exactly what steps must be taken next before resolving their query successfully – no guesswork involved!


1. Is Wildbuddies.com safe?

Wildbuddies.com is a website that provides users with the opportunity to meet new people and make friends in an online environment. The site has been around since 2005, so it has had plenty of time to establish itself as a safe place for users who are looking for companionship or friendship. Wildbuddies takes safety very seriously and they have implemented several measures designed to protect their members from potential harm or abuse while using the service. They require all members to verify their identity before being allowed access into the community, which helps ensure that only real people are on the platform at any given time. Additionally, they provide detailed information about how personal data is used and stored securely within their system as well as offer helpful tips on staying safe when interacting with other members online such as not sharing private information until you feel comfortable doing so after getting acquainted over multiple conversations first. All in all, Wildbuddies appears like a secure option if you’re looking for someone special!

2. Is Wildbuddies.com a real dating site with real users?

Wildbuddies.com is a real dating site with real users, but it does not have the same reputation as other more well-known sites like Match or eHarmony. Wildbuddies claims to be an online social network for singles looking to meet new people and make friends, however many of its members are actually seeking casual relationships and hookups rather than long term commitments. The website has been around since 2005 and boasts over 1 million registered users worldwide; however there is no way of verifying this information independently so you should take these numbers with a grain of salt. Additionally, reviews from actual customers suggest that the user base on WildBuddies can be quite small in certain areas which could limit your chances at finding someone compatible nearby if you live outside larger cities or metropolitan areas where membership tends to be higher.

3. How to use Wildbuddies.com app?

Wildbuddies.com is an online dating and social networking app that helps people find like-minded individuals to connect with. The app makes it easy for users to create a profile, search for potential matches, send messages, and even set up dates all from the comfort of their own home or on the go using their mobile device. To get started with Wildbuddies you first need to download the free app onto your phone or tablet then sign up by creating a username and password as well as providing some basic information about yourself such as age range, gender preference etc.. Once you have completed this step you can start browsing through other user profiles in order to find someone who interests you enough that they would be worth sending a message too! You can also use various filters within the application which allow users narrow down searches based on criteria such as location so if there’s someone nearby who catches your eye – great! If not however don’t worry because WildBuddies allows its members access across different countries so finding love could just be one click away no matter where in world they are located.

4. Is Wildbuddies.com free?

Wildbuddies.com is a free online dating site that offers its members an easy and convenient way to meet new people in their area. The website has been designed to make it as simple as possible for users to find potential matches, chat with them, exchange photos and even arrange dates. Wildbuddies also provides its members with helpful tools such as the ability to search by location or interests so they can easily narrow down their options when looking for someone special. Additionally, there are no hidden fees associated with using this service; everything from creating a profile and searching through other member profiles is completely free of charge!

5. Is Wildbuddies.com working and can you find someone there?

Wildbuddies.com is an online dating and social networking site that caters to people looking for casual relationships, friendship, or more serious commitments. It offers a variety of features such as chat rooms, photo galleries, private messaging systems and much more. With its large user base it is possible to find someone on Wildbuddies who shares similar interests with you. The website also provides safety tips so users can feel secure while using the service which makes it even easier to meet new people in a safe environment. All in all Wildbuddies seems like an excellent way for anyone interested in finding friends or potential partners online!


In conclusion, Wildbuddies.com is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating and other activities. The design of the app is intuitive and easy to use with all its features being easily accessible from the main page. Safety and security are taken seriously on this platform as users must go through an extensive verification process before they can access any of the site’s features or chat with others members. Help & support services are also available if needed, providing quick responses when contacted via email or phone call during their business hours Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm EST . Lastly, user profile quality seems good overall but could be improved by adding more detailed information about each member so that it’s easier to match up potential dates based on interests/hobbies etc.. All in all though Wildbuddies has something special going for it which makes it worth checking out!

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.