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TamilMatrimony – A Comprehensive Review


TamilMatrimony is an online matrimonial service that connects singles from the Tamil community all over the world. It was launched in 2001 and has since become one of India’s most popular matchmaking platforms, with millions of users registered across five countries: India, United States, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia. The app offers a range of features to help its members find their perfect partner – including compatibility tests based on interests & lifestyle choices; profile verification services; private messaging options; detailed search filters for religion/caste preferences etc.; along with regular updates about upcoming events & meetups near you.

The platform caters primarily to those looking for serious relationships within the Tamil diaspora but also welcomes individuals seeking friendship or casual dating opportunities as well. As per recent statistics there are currently more than 4 million active users on TamilMatrimony – making it one of the largest Indian-based marriage portals available today! Furthermore due to its user friendly interface and intuitive design this app continues to attract new customers every day – helping them discover potential matches through powerful algorithms which ensure quality results at all times!

This service is free for everyone who wishes to join however if you wish access additional benefits such as priority listing then premium membership packages can be purchased directly via website or mobile application (available both iOS & Android). Registration process requires minimal information like name email address age gender etc., so creating your account takes only few minutes before start searching profiles other people have posted according criteria specified by yourself !

How Does TamilMatrimony Work?

TamilMatrimony is an online matrimonial app that helps Tamil-speaking singles find their perfect match. It has a user base of over 4 million users, with members from countries like India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. The app provides several features to make the search for your life partner easier and more efficient.

The key feature of the app is its powerful search engine which allows you to filter through thousands of profiles based on criteria such as age range, religion or caste preferences etc., making it easy to narrow down potential matches quickly and accurately. You can also save searches so that you don’t have to enter them again each time you log in – this makes finding new matches even faster! Additionally there are various other filters available such as profession type or educational qualifications if these factors matter when looking for a suitable partner too!

In addition to searching by specific criteria mentioned above; users can also browse featured profiles handpicked by experts at TamilMatrimony who understand what qualities make up successful marriages within the community – they use algorithms along with human expertise while selecting these candidates ensuring accuracy in results delivered every time! Moreover; one doesn’t need any special skillsets before using this application – just basic knowledge about computers & smartphones should suffice here since all operations performed inside this platform are quite intuitive & self explanatory thus allowing anyone regardless of technical background/expertise get started right away without much fuss!.

For those interested in meeting prospective partners offline after having interacted via chat rooms provided within this service; then ‘Meet Now’ option comes into play where two people agree upon mutually convenient date/time (and location) before proceeding further towards finalizing marriage arrangements between themselves.. Furthermore once both parties decide upon getting married officially then dedicated counselors associated with company help couples plan out wedding ceremonies accordingly providing necessary guidance throughout entire process till completion stage thereby eliminating any chances whatsoever related miscommunication issues arising due unforeseen circumstances later on during actual event itself!.

Finally last but not least another great thing about TamilMatrimony App is its safety measures implemented across board ranging from simple things like mandatory email verification prior registration approval upto advanced ones including SSL encryption technology being used ensure complete data privacy no matter how sensitive information might be stored securely servers located remote locations around world guaranteeing zero risk factor involved while browsing through different profile options anytime anywhere desired !

  • 1.Verified Profiles: TamilMatrimony offers verified profiles of brides and grooms to ensure genuine matches.
  • 2. Privacy Settings: Users can control their privacy settings on the website, allowing them to choose who they want to share information with.
  • 3. Horoscope Matching: The website provides a detailed horoscope matching service for users looking for an astrological compatibility check before marriage.
  • 4 .Advanced Search Filters : TamilMatrimony allows its users access advanced search filters like age, height, education etc., which helps in finding the perfect match quickly and easily
  • 5 .Express Interest Feature : This feature lets you express your interest in someone’s profile without having any direct contact with them initially
  • 6 .Chat & Video Calling Facility : With this facility one can chat or video call directly from within the app making it easier than ever before

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The process of registering on the TamilMatrimony app is simple and straightforward. First, users need to download the app from their respective App Store or Play Store. After downloading it, they can open up the application and fill in all required details such as name, email address, gender etc., along with a few personal preferences like age range for potential matches etc.. Once these details are filled out correctly and submitted successfully by clicking ‘Register’ button at bottom of page then user will be asked to upload an image/photo which should not exceed 2MB size limit. Finally after submitting all this information successfully user will receive a confirmation message via SMS or Email that his/her account has been created successfully & ready for use now!

After successful registration on TamilMatrimony app one can begin searching through various profiles available there according to their preferred criteria (age group preference). Users may also create profile video using mobile phone camera if they wish so that other members get better idea about them before initiating contact request . The minimum age requirement for creating dating profile on this platform is 18 years old & yes its free to register your account here without any cost involved whatsoever!

  • 1.Name
  • 2. Date of Birth
  • 3. Email Address
  • 4. Mobile Number
  • 5. Gender
  • 6. Religion and Caste (optional)
  • 7. Photo ID proof for verification purposes (e-Aadhar, PAN Card etc.) 8 . Physical address with pin code

Design and Usability of TamilMatrimony

The TamilMatrimony app has a vibrant and colorful design that is easy to navigate. It features bold colors, such as orange and blue, which makes it visually appealing. The layout of the app is intuitive with clearly labeled tabs for each section so users can easily find what they are looking for. Finding profiles of other people on the platform is also straightforward; you can use filters like age or location to narrow down your search results quickly. In terms of usability, this app provides an excellent user experience with simple navigation tools and helpful tutorials when needed. Additionally, those who purchase a paid subscription get access to additional UI improvements such as more advanced filtering options in their searches or faster loading times when browsing through profiles .

User Profile Quality

TamilMatrimony profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the option to set a custom bio, but there is no “friends” feature or anything similar. Privacy settings are available for users to control who can view their profile information and photos, as well as whether they want to appear in search results. There is also an option for Google or Facebook sign-in which adds an extra layer of security against fake accounts on the platform. Location info in user profiles includes city name only; it does not reveal any other location details such as street address nor indicate distance between users from different cities/states/countries etc.. Profiles with premium subscription benefit from higher visibility among potential matches compared to free memberships due to additional features like verified badge, priority listing & more personalized support services provided by TamilMatrimony team


TamilMatrimony is a popular online matrimonial website in India. It offers users the opportunity to find their perfect match through its comprehensive database of profiles and search tools. The site has been around since 1997, making it one of the oldest dating sites available today. TamilMatrimony’s main advantages are that it allows users to connect with potential matches from all over India, as well as providing detailed information about each user’s background and interests before any contact is made between them. Additionally, there are various features such as chat rooms for members who wish to communicate directly with other members without having to reveal personal details first; this helps ensure safety when using the service.

The difference between TamilMatrimony’s website and app lies mainly in how they present content: while both offer access to all services provided by the platform (such as profile creation/editing), only on mobile devices can you get push notifications alerting you when someone views your profile or sends a message – which makes staying up-to-date much easier than if relying solely on desktop usage! On top of that, some exclusive features like ‘Find Matches Nearby’ (which shows nearby singles) can only be accessed via an app download – so depending on what kind of experience you want out of your dating journey either option may work better for different people!

At this time there is no dedicated dating site associated with Tamilmatriomy however many speculate that this could change in future due largely due too rising demand amongst young adults looking for love within their own culture but also because traditional arranged marriages have become less common place . With more Indian youth wanting control over who they marry , apps such Tinder have seen huge success across South Asia leading many industry experts suggest we will soon see something similar from Tamimatromny .

Safety & Security

TamilMatrimony is a leading matrimonial website in India that takes app security very seriously. It has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of its users and prevent any malicious activities from taking place on their platform. The verification process for new users includes email, phone number, photo ID proof, as well as an optional two-factor authentication option which adds an extra layer of protection against bots and fake accounts. All photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by trained professionals before being approved for public viewing to avoid misuse or abuse of images online. TamilMatrimony also provides robust privacy policy options so that all user data remains secure at all times with end-to-end encryption technology ensuring complete anonymity when browsing profiles or making contact with other members on the site. Users can be sure that their personal information will remain safe while they search for potential matches without fear of it falling into wrong hands due to strict compliance standards set out by TamilMatrimony’s team dedicated towards protecting customer data at every step along the way

Pricing and Benefits

TamilMatrimony is an app that helps users find potential partners for marriage. It offers a variety of features to make the process easier and more efficient, but does it require a paid subscription?

The basic version of TamilMatrimony is free and includes access to some basic services such as searching profiles, viewing contact details, sending messages etc. However if you want access to premium features like advanced search filters or profile verification then you will need to get one of their paid subscriptions.

The prices are competitive compared with other similar apps in the market: they offer three different plans – Gold (₹499/month), Diamond (₹999/month) and Platinum (₹1499/month). Each plan has its own set of benefits which include unlimited messaging, priority customer support etc., so depending on your needs there’s something for everyone.

If at any point during your subscription period you decide that it isn’t right for you then TamilMatrimony makes cancelling easy; all payments made can be refunded within 7 days after cancellation request has been submitted by contacting their customer service team via email or phone call . Refunds may take up 3-4 weeks from date requested until processed into user’s account due processing timescales involved in refunds being issued back onto card used originally when making payment initially .

Ultimately whether users really need a paid subscription on Tamilmatrimonny depends entirely upon what kind of experience they’re looking for; those who just want access to basic services should stick with the free version while those wanting additional benefits should consider getting one out their range packages available accordingto individual budget & requirements .

Help & Support

TamilMatrimony offers a variety of support options to its users. The first option is the help page, which can be accessed from any page on the website. This contains frequently asked questions and answers that may address your query without having to contact customer service directly. The second way you can access support is by emailing their customer service team at [email protected] or filling out an online form with details about your query so they can get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Finally, TamilMatrimony also provides phone support for more urgent queries; this number is available 24/7 and there are usually no waiting times when calling during business hours (Monday-Friday 9 am – 6 pm). In general, response time for emails sent via the website will take up to 48 hours while calls made through their hotline should receive immediate attention from one of their representatives who will try his best to resolve any issues quickly and efficiently..


1. Is TamilMatrimony safe?

TamilMatrimony is a safe and secure platform for finding potential matches. It has stringent security measures in place to protect its users from any kind of malicious activity or fraud. All profiles are verified by the team before they go live on the website, which ensures that only genuine people use it. Additionally, all communication between members is kept confidential and private so that no one can misuse your personal information without your consent. TamilMatrimony also offers an array of safety tips such as not sharing financial details with anyone online, meeting prospective partners in public places first etc., to ensure maximum protection for its users while searching for their life partner through this platform

2. Is TamilMatrimony a real dating site with real users?

Yes, TamilMatrimony is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and was one of the first matrimonial sites to launch in India. The website caters specifically to people looking for marriage partners from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and boasts millions of registered members across its platform. All profiles are manually screened by their team before they appear on the website, ensuring that only genuine individuals can access it’s services. In addition, all communication between two parties must be done through their secure messaging system which helps protect user privacy at all times. This ensures that those who use this service can feel safe while interacting with other potential matches online without having to worry about any malicious activity or fraudsters taking advantage of them in any way whatsoever

3. How to use TamilMatrimony app?

Using the TamilMatrimony app is a great way to find your perfect match. The first step in using this app is creating an account and filling out all of the necessary information about yourself, such as age, gender, religion and location. Once you have completed these steps you can start searching for potential matches based on criteria that are important to you. You can also use advanced search options like income level or education level if desired.

Once you have found someone who interests you, it’s time to get in touch with them! You can send messages directly through the app or even arrange video calls so that both parties feel comfortable before meeting up in person for further conversations about marriage prospects. It’s also possible to view their profile pictures which will help give a better idea of what they look like before making any decisions regarding marriage proposals or meetings offline.. Finally once everything has been discussed between two people then they may decide whether they would be interested in getting married together – at which point wedding arrangements could begin!

4. Is TamilMatrimony free?

TamilMatrimony is a free matrimonial service that has been helping people find their perfect match since 1997. It offers users the ability to search for potential matches based on religion, caste, language and other criteria. The website also provides several features such as horoscope matching, photo albums and astrological predictions which can be used to further refine searches for compatible partners. TamilMatrimony does not charge any fees or subscription charges from its members; all services are provided completely free of cost with no hidden costs involved whatsoever. In addition to this, it also allows users access various community forums where they can interact with each other in order to get more information about prospective brides/grooms before making a decision regarding marriage proposals

5. Is TamilMatrimony working and can you find someone there?

Yes, TamilMatrimony is working and it is a great way to find someone. It has been helping people from the Tamil community all over the world for more than two decades now. The website offers various services such as matrimonial profiles, matchmaking services, astrology compatibility reports and even wedding planning advice. You can easily create your profile on this platform in order to start searching for suitable matches according to your preferences like age group, religion or caste etc., Once you have created an account with them then you will be able to browse through thousands of verified profiles listed on their database which makes finding that special someone much easier! Furthermore they also offer other features such as personalized horoscope matching service which helps users make better decisions when looking for potential partners based upon factors like star sign compatibility etc.. So if you are looking for true love then definitely give TamilMatrimony a try today!


In conclusion, TamilMatrimony is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and provides users with plenty of options to find their perfect match. The design and usability are top notch, making it very user friendly even for those who are not tech savvy. Additionally, the safety and security features ensure that all personal information remains secure while using the platform. Help & support team is always available to answer any queries or concerns quickly as well as help in resolving issues promptly if they arise at any point during usage of this app . Last but not least ,the quality of profiles on TamilMatrimony makes sure that you get only genuine people looking out for relationships which adds up to its reliability factor too . All these factors make Tamilmatrimony one among best matrimonial apps in India providing reliable services when it comes down searching your soulmate !

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Author Emma Brown

Emma Brown is a dating and relationship expert, specializing in online dating reviews. She has been writing about the online dating space for the past 5 years, and has become an expert in the topic. She has reviewed countless dating sites and apps, and has a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the online dating industry. In addition to her writing, Emma is also a popular speaker on the topic, and has been featured in many media outlets such as The New York Times and The Guardian. Emma is passionate about helping people find true love through the power of online dating, and she takes her mission very seriously.