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WantMatures Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?


WantMatures is an online dating platform that caters to mature singles looking for a serious relationship. The app was launched in 2018 and has quickly become one of the most popular apps among those seeking companionship, romance, or even marriage. It offers users access to millions of profiles from around the world and allows them to search for potential matches based on their interests, location, age range and more. WantMatures is owned by Together Networks Holdings Limited which operates several other successful dating sites including BeNaughty & FlirtCrowd as well as niche websites such as CougarLife & GayFriendFinder

The app boasts over 10 million active members worldwide with its highest concentration being found in five countries; United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU) , France(FR)and Germany(DE). With this large user base comes great variety making it easy for anyone regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation to find someone special who meets their needs .

WantMatures is free-to-use but does offer premium membership plans if you wish upgrade your experience further. This includes features like unlimited messaging capabilities , advanced search filters so you can narrow down results faster plus access exclusive content only available through subscription packages . All payments are secure via credit card/PayPal etc., giving users peace mind when using the service .

For mobile device owners there’s also an accompanying iOS/Android application which provides all same functionalities website version except now they have freedom take it wherever go without having be tied computer screen while searching compatible partners nearby area – great news busy people always moving about! To register simply download latest version App Store / Google Play store then follow instructions fill out profile information complete sign up process get started right away !

How Does WantMatures Work?

WantMatures is a dating app that helps users find potential partners. It offers an easy-to-use platform with advanced search filters and communication tools to help you connect with likeminded people from around the world. The key features of WantMatures include its intuitive user interface, detailed profile creation process, extensive messaging system and secure payment options for premium services.

Finding profiles on WantMatures is simple; just use the powerful search engine to narrow down your results based on age range, location or interests. You can also browse through members’ photos before deciding who you want to contact first – all without leaving the comfort of your own home! There are many different types of users registered on this app: some looking for casual flings while others seek serious relationships or even marriage prospects.

The majority of active members come from five countries – USA, UK, Canada Australia and New Zealand – but there are also plenty more international singles signed up too! With millions upon millions already using this service worldwide it won’t be long until you’re able to meet someone special in no time at all – whether they live near by or far away doesn’t matter either as long distance connections have been made possible thanks to modern technology such as video chat capabilities offered by WantMatures itself!

In addition ,there’s a wide variety of other useful features available including match suggestions which offer tailored recommendations according their individual preferences . This ensures that each person gets exactly what they need out if their online dating experience . Moreover , safety measures have been implemented across every aspect off site usage so customers feel comfortable knowing that their data will remain private when engaging within these digital platforms . Furthermore , customer support staffs work hard 24/7 in order ensure any queries raised get answered promptly & accurately allowing individuals peace mind during interactions !

Finally ,the cost associated with accessing premium content varies depending upon subscription package chosen however regardless most packages still provide great value money considering vast array benefits included along access exclusive material not found elsewhere ! So why wait ? Signup today start searching compatible matches right away take advantage everything else has offer !

  • 1.Advanced search filters that allow users to find potential matches quickly and easily.
  • 2. Instant messaging feature for real-time communication with other members.
  • 3. Live video chat option so you can get to know someone better before meeting in person or committing to a relationship online
  • 4. Compatibility quizzes designed specifically for mature singles, helping them discover their perfect match faster than ever before
  • 5. Anonymous browsing mode allowing users to remain anonymous while searching the site’s database of profiles
  • 6 .A secure payment system ensuring all transactions are safe and secure

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the WantMatures app is a straightforward process. First, users must download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After launching it, they will be asked to provide their email address and create a password for security purposes. Then they need to fill out some personal information such as age, gender identity, location etc., before submitting these details with an account activation link sent via email verification code. Once this step is completed successfully, users can start browsing profiles of potential matches based on their preferences like age range or distance criteria in order to find someone compatible with them according to what matters most in relationships – mutual interests & values . The minimum required age for dating on WantMatures is 18 years old and registration is free of charge! After signing up , members are encouraged by the platform’s features that allow sending messages (for free) , viewing photos/videos uploaded by other members , making video calls etc., all designed specifically so people can connect easily without any hassle .

  • 1.A valid email address is required for registration.
  • 2. All users must be 18 years of age or older to register on the site.
  • 3. Users are required to provide a unique username and password combination when registering an account with WantMatures.
  • 4. The user must agree to all terms and conditions outlined in the Terms & Conditions agreement before being able to complete their registration process successfully .
  • 5 .Users will need to provide personal information such as name, date of birth, gender etc during sign up process so that they can create their profile page accordingly
  • 6 .The user should also upload a recent photograph while signing up which would appear on his/her profile page
  • 7 .WantMatures reserves the right verify any submitted documents (such as ID proof) at its own discretion 8 Any false information provided by users may lead termination of accounts without prior notice

Design and Usability of WantMatures

The WantMatures app has a bright and vibrant color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. The design of the interface is modern, with intuitive navigation buttons for easy access to different sections. You can easily find profiles of other people by using search filters or browsing through suggested matches. The usability of this app makes it very user-friendly, as all features are clearly labeled and straightforward in their purpose. With a paid subscription you get additional UI improvements such as better profile visibility and more advanced filtering options which make your experience even smoother when searching for potential partners on WantMatures

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on WantMatures is generally good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has a membership with the site, making it easy to find potential matches. Users have the option to set up their own custom bio which allows them to provide more detailed information about themselves than what’s included in their profile. Additionally, there is no “friends” feature or anything similar available for users so they cannot add people as friends or follow each other like some other dating sites offer.

Privacy settings are also an important factor when considering user profile quality on WantMatures; users can choose whether they want their location info revealed or hidden from others depending on how much privacy they prefer while using the site. Location info typically reveals your city but does not indicate any specific distance between two users unless both parties agree upon that beforehand through private messaging services provided by the website itself such as chat rooms and instant messages (IM).

Premium memberships do come with certain benefits including access to additional features related directly towards improving one’s online presence such as increased visibility within search results, priority listing in recommendations based off of preferences indicated during sign-up process etc., however these perks don’t necessarily equate into higher chances at finding successful relationships due solely towards having a premium subscription alone since most accounts found here appear genuine without too many fake ones present compared against competing websites out there today


WantMatures is a dating website that provides users with the opportunity to find their perfect match. It offers various features such as advanced search, detailed profiles and instant messaging for its members. The main advantage of WantMatures is that it has an extensive database of potential partners from all over the world, making it easy to find someone who matches your criteria. Additionally, WantMatures also offers compatibility tests which can help you determine if a certain person would be compatible with you or not before even meeting them in real life.

The difference between using the site and app versions of WantMatures lies mainly in convenience; while both offer similar services they are tailored differently depending on what device one chooses to use when accessing them – ios/android phones respectively – allowing people more flexibility when searching for potential dates online. Furthermore, some additional features may only be available through either version so it’s important to consider which one best suits your needs prior signing up!

Unfortunately at this time there isn’t any official website created by Wantmature specifically dedicated towards providing users access into their platform via web browsers but this doesn’t mean other platforms aren’t accessible- many apps have been developed based off existing sites like Tinder etc., giving us insight into how popular these types of websites really are among today’s generation . As technology continues advancing we could see changes made within near future where perhaps creating an actual website will become feasible however until then those interested must resort solely onto mobile applications instead

Safety & Security

WantMatures is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe online dating experience. To ensure the security of all members, WantMatures has implemented several measures including user verification methods, protection against bots and fake accounts as well as two-factor authentication options. All new profiles are subject to manual review by their team of moderators who check for authenticity before allowing access into the platform. This includes verifying profile photos which are checked manually or using AI technology depending on the situation. Furthermore, they use sophisticated algorithms that detect any suspicious activity such as bot activities or duplicate accounts in order to prevent them from entering their system in the first place. Additionally, WantMatures offers an optional two-factor authentication feature where users can add an extra layer of security when logging into their account through SMS code confirmation sent directly to your phone number registered with your account at no additional cost! Lastly but not least important is WantMatures’ privacy policy which states that all personal data collected during registration will be kept confidential and only used for purposes related specifically towards improving customer service experiences within this platform such as sending notifications about potential matches or responding quickly if help is needed regarding technical issues etc..

Pricing and Benefits

Is WantMatures Free or Paid?

WantMatures is a dating app that helps people find potential partners. It offers both free and paid subscriptions, allowing users to choose the plan that best suits their needs. The basic version of the app is available for free but it has limited features compared to its premium subscription plans.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on WantMatures

  • Access to all advanced search filters like age range, location, interests etc., so you can easily find your perfect match quickly and accurately;

  • Ability to view unlimited profiles without any restrictions;

  • Get priority customer support with fast response times when needed;

  • Option to hide your profile from other members if desired for privacy reasons;
    + Premium subscription prices start at $9.99 per month which makes them very competitive in comparison with similar services offered by competitors such as Tinder or Bumble+.                                                 
      ## Cancellation Process & Refunds On Wantmature Users who wish cancel their membership can do so via the “My Account” section on the website or through contacting customer service directly via email (support@wantmature). All refunds are processed within 5-7 business days after cancellation request has been received and approved by our team. Please note: no refunds will be issued once payment has already been made regardless of whether user used any part of his/her subscription period before cancelling it..                                             ## Do You Really Need A Paid Subscription On WantMatures? While there are some benefits associated with getting a paid membership on this platform, many users have reported being ableto use most features even while using onlyfree account options . Therefore , dependingon what kindof experienceyou’re lookingfor ,it may not alwaysbe necessary togeta paidsubscription .

Help & Support

WantMatures provides various ways to access support for its users. The first way is through the help page on their website, which has a wide range of topics that can be searched by keyword or category. This allows users to quickly find answers to commonly asked questions and troubleshoot any issues they may have with the site. Additionally, there are contact forms available so customers can submit inquiries directly to WantMatures’ customer service team who will respond as soon as possible within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday).

Another way of accessing support from WantMates is via email at [email protected] The response time here depends on how busy their customer service team is but generally speaking it should not take more than 48 hours before you receive an answer back from them. They also provide phone numbers for both US and UK based customers if needed where one could call in order get assistance over the phone regarding any queries related to using WantMatures services .

Finally, another great resource offered by WantMaturs are FAQs – frequently asked questions – which cover all aspects about using this dating platform such as creating accounts , payment methods , subscription plans etc., thus providing quick solutions without having need reach out customer care agents directly .


1. Is WantMatures safe?

Yes, WantMatures is a safe dating site. The website takes security seriously and has taken several steps to ensure that its members are protected from any potential threats or scams. All user data is encrypted with the latest encryption technology, so it cannot be accessed by third parties. Additionally, all payments on the platform are processed through secure payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe for added protection against fraudsters. Furthermore, WantMatures also offers an extensive safety guide which provides tips on how to stay safe while using online dating sites like theirs. Finally, they have a dedicated customer service team who can answer any questions you may have about their services or help if you experience any issues while using their website

2. Is WantMatures a real dating site with real users?

Yes, WantMatures is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2016 and has grown to become one of the most popular mature dating sites on the internet. The website features thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for companionship, romance or even just casual flings. All profiles are verified by customer service representatives to ensure that they belong to genuine people seeking meaningful connections online. In addition, WantMatures also offers its own safety tips and advice page so that users can stay safe while using their services online.

3. How to use WantMatures app?

Using the WantMatures app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download it from either the App Store or Google Play store onto your device. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account by entering some basic information such as your name, age, gender etc. After creating an account you can then begin browsing through other users’ profiles in order to find someone that interests you. You can also use various search filters like location or interest so that only those who match what you are looking for appear on your screen. Once a user catches your eye simply send them a message using one of many chat options available within the application – text messages being one of them! This way both parties have time to get acquainted before deciding whether they want to meet in person or not; making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable throughout their experience with WantMatures dating service

4. Is WantMatures free?

WantMatures is not a free service. It offers different membership plans, which allow users to access the features of the website. The basic plan allows you to create an account and browse through profiles for free, but if you want to send messages or use other advanced features like video chat then you will need one of their paid subscription packages. Prices vary depending on how long your subscription lasts – ranging from 1 month up to 12 months – so there’s something available for everyone’s budget and needs.

5. Is WantMatures working and can you find someone there?

Yes, WantMatures is a working dating site and it is possible to find someone there. The website has thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for potential partners. It offers various features such as advanced search filters, chat rooms, private messaging system and more that make it easier for users to connect with like-minded people. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation tools, finding your perfect match on WantMatures can be an enjoyable experience. So if you’re single or just want to meet new people then this could be the right place for you!


In conclusion, WantMatures is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s easy to navigate and use. Safety and security measures are in place with strict policies that protect users from scams or malicious activities on the platform. Help & support services provide timely assistance when needed while user profile quality ensures all profiles meet certain standards before being approved by moderators.

Overall, WantMatures provides an enjoyable experience where users can connect with like-minded people safely without any hassle or worry about their privacy being compromised in any way whatsoever – making it one of the best apps out there today!

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Author Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a relationship and online dating expert. He has written extensively on the subject for the past five years, providing advice to people of all ages. Michael has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and the unique challenges that come with online dating. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has dedicated his career to helping others find love. Michael is passionate about helping couples create and maintain healthy relationships, both online and offline.